A wrap-up on a Monday? Yes! The holiday week is traditionally a quieter one on the blog, because everyone seems to have too much going on to get much reading done. Between graduation, the Fourth of July, and the start of the summer, I get it! So I take this week to recharge my (mental) batteries and share my favorite books of the year so far. That starts tomorrow! After the Fourth, I’ll jump right back in – especially since Amazon Prime Day is quickly approaching, along with the sales that go with it.

Last week was also a quieter review week for me, mostly because I did a lot of DNFing and I struggled with a migraine for several days. You can find out more about that in my DNF Report here. I did read one excellent book, Real Regrets, which was so bingeable. It’s a Vegas wedding romance that takes a new spin on the trope, and it’s the followup to a book that I loved. The tension and unpredictability kept me turning the pages. I also binged Strictly for Now, but it was more of a popcorn read. I enjoyed the light and sexy sports romance as I was reading, but the storyline wasn’t all that memorable for me. And I tried a new-to-me author, Maggie Rawdon, with mixed results. Pick Six started out super strong for me, but the lust-focused storyline and writing issues had me leaving it unfinished nearly 70% of the way through.

We’ve got a slow release week coming up, which my TBR appreciates. I’ve got a busy week ahead, but I’m looking forward to catching up on some of my anticipated reads.

If you missed any of this week’s reviews, I’ve got the blurb and rating for each below. There’s also a link to my new release list.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bingeable

One night. Two strangers. Lots of regrets…

A bachelor party in Las Vegas is the last place Oliver Kensington wants to spend a long weekend. He likes controlling outcomes, not the uncertainty of gambling. For the most part, his reputation as the reliable, responsible Kensington brother is well-deserved. But for one of the few people he considers a friend, he’ll show up in sin city.

Oliver’s focus is on work—and on getting back into his father’s good graces. But he’s not expecting absolution for past mistakes; Arthur Kensington doesn’t forgive.

So when an offer to forget is made as soon as Oliver returns to New York, it’s shocking. And it’s the same demand his father made years ago: to marry a woman as part of a business arrangement. This time, there’s no chance his brother Crew will be the one waiting at the end of the aisle, which is how Oliver’s last engagement ended.

The answer should be obvious. Most of Oliver’s life has centered around earning his father’s approval and becoming CEO, both of which he thought were lost opportunities. Learning they’re not should be the best news he’s received all year.

Problem is, there’s a piece of paper in his pocket that says he’s already married…to the blonde woman he met in the bar of a Vegas hotel.

Read the review here

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3pru0dI

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Quick and sexy

I hate hockey. He hates everything else… including me.

Falling flat on my back in a sweaty locker room isn’t how I planned to introduce myself to my grandpa’s hockey team. Especially when I’m there to turn the business around financially; something nobody else in the stadium seems to want.

But that’s how I first meet Eli Salinger, the team’s aggravatingly smooth player-turned coach.

And from the moment I introduce myself to him, he makes it clear he doesn’t want me there.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out why. Eli’s only interested in one thing – turning the team into a winning side, no matter what it takes.

And he’s determined to fight every change I try to make.

What he doesn’t know is that I’ve never taken on a project that hasn’t succeeded. And I’m not about to let this be the first.

I don’t care if he’s grumpy and adorable in equal measure. Or that every time he looks at me it sends me all a flutter.

This is a game of wits. And there can be only one winner.

Strictly For Now is a standalone, steamy opposites-attract hockey romance featuring an over-40s hero, a strong, professional heroine and a love match that will make you smile and swoon.

Read the review here

Amazon: https://amzn.to/43as87C

Mini review

What’s worse than playing a fake girlfriend to the all-pro defensive end for the Seattle Phantom?
When the same infamous playboy is my ex-husband’s best friend.
I’m normally great at keeping my distance from him—pretending like he doesn’t get under my skin.
But after he punches a teammate over me, we’re stuck faking a relationship to save his career and mine.
If we play the game well, we could both get out ahead.
I just have to remember everything about this is for show, including the reformed player act.
A few blurred lines and crossed boundaries won’t change things.
Because falling for your ex’s best friend is wrong, right?

Read the mini review here

Amazon: https://amzn.to/42L0NZa

Check out this week’s new releases here.

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