Best of June & July 2023

I’ve had a WILDLY uneven summer of reading so far, and the only thing that kept me from thinking that I was in the slump of all reading slumps was that I would encounter a FANTASTIC book every once in awhile. Each and every one of these books pulled me in from the start, making it obvious that I was reading something good, and that was such a breath of fresh air every time it happened. And, looking at them all together, it’s clear that June and July went better than I thought – there are some excellent books here!

One of my most highly anticipated reads of the summer, Out on a Limb did not disappoint. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read from Bonam-Young, but OOAL pairs an emotional love story with an electric current of sexual tension that starts off hot before simmering into something softer and sweeter. A memorable, heartwarming read.

Also filled with sexual tension, but with a COMPLETELY different vibe, I loved King. A few of my favorite outlandish mafia romance series ended last year, and I really do need a little bit of over-the-top alpha intensity to balance out the grumps and cinnamon rolls. So I was ecstatic when I tried out new-to-me author S.J. Tilly and was immediately pulled in by this off-kilter kidnapping/forced marriage romance. It has the humor and high heat of J.T. Geissinger’s mafia series, which is very difficult to pull off – and is done so well by Tilly.

Another super sexy read, Business or Pleasure surprised me in the best of ways. I’ve read both of Solomon’s other books and enjoyed them, but this one had such a different feel. The storyline felt fresh and unique, the intimate moments were both spicy and revealing, and it just absolutely flew by for me.

I can’t forget Love, Theoretically, which I was lucky enough to read an ARC of several months ago. Something about Hazelwood’s writing just works for me, and this might be my new favorite from her. I loved the push/pull and the unique setup, which kept me on my toes. When I listened to the audio version closer to release day, it renewed my love of the book all over again.

Next up is Whisky Business, a soft and swoony Scottish romance. I loved the shy, quiet hero paired with the bolder heroine, the enemies to lovers tension, and the setting. It’s my first from Elliot Fletcher, but it definitely will not be the last!

I read both books in C.W. Farnsworth’s newest series this summer, and they were excellent. Fake Empire brought a new spin to marriage of convenience/arranged marriage romance, and the enemies to lovers vibes ratcheted up the tension. The next installment, Real Regrets, does a stellar job of redeeming two side characters from Fake Empire, who I wouldn’t have expected to love. Both books are great on their own and easy to read as standalones, but even better when paired together.

Another fantastic followup, String Me Along did not disappoint. Meet Me Halfway was one of my favorite books of 2022, so I was excited to hear that we’d be getting more from that world. The interconnected characters tied these two standalones together, but the vibes could not be more different. I loved the snap of tension and the strong heroine, who found her perfect match in a man who fired her up. Watching them fall in love while arguing was so much fun.

Finally, we’ve got Julie Soto’s debut, Forget Me Not. I listened to the audio several months before release, and it was so engaging. The quiet, devoted hero had me smitten, and the dual timelines had me so curious about what went wrong between the former lovers. It had a fresh, vibrant feel, and I would definitely be interested in checking out more from the author.

All in all, these books were pretty great, and it makes me feel a whole lot better about my summer reading to see so many good books on this list!

If you missed my August Release Calendar, you can find it here – there are so many books to look forward to!

I’ve got my review for each of this month’s best books below – you can’t go wrong with any of these!


Of all the men to (accidentally) get pregnant by, our heroine picked the PERFECT one! He is what book boyfriends are made of, and I loved watching the tender, patient, and steady hero worm his way under the reluctant heroine’s skin. They had the kind of meet cute and intimate, smokin’ HOT hookup that showcased the potential of a relationship, which made the slow burn, roommates/expectant parents scenario that followed even more torturous. Watching them build a friendship after the night they spent together was all kinds of angsty, and I often wanted to shake the heroine so she’d see what was right in front of her. I loved the heavier undertones of this otherwise lighthearted romance though – both of these characters have limb differences, and that meant they connected on a level that they might not have been able to with anyone else. It’s a black cat/golden retriever romance with tension fueling all of the quieter moments, and I loved it every step of the way.

The story follows Win, a woman who meets an intriguing guy at a Halloween party. They have instant chemistry, and Win feels comfortable enough with Bo that she suggests they have a one-time hookup. After having her heart broken in the past, Win likes to keep her relationships quick and casual… which makes the positive pregnancy test she takes a few weeks later even more troublesome. Getting knocked up by a stranger she never planned to see again is complicated enough, but Win also feels drawn to Bo in a way that has her putting up all of her walls. As the two strangers recalibrate their expectations and decide to move in together during the pregnancy, they develop a friendship that adds tension to an already messy situation. Win is determined to keep their relationship platonic, but that’s easier said than done.

I really enjoyed Bonam-Young’s first two books, so I was eager to jump into this, especially once I read the blurb. I’m always up for a fling to more romance, and I love a roommates to lovers situation. I also loved the deeper undertones and the quiet slow burn. During their night together, Win let Bo get closer than intended, and the intimacy bled from the page. Not only did they have fantastic chemistry, but those scenes revealed the depth of a connection that should’ve been shallow. After that, Win’s defenses were higher than ever. In a way, I found that frustrating, but I also understood it. To me, it was clear that Bo was a genuinely good guy, and I loved that he had the patience to win her over. The forced proximity and process of getting to know one another also added plenty of sexual tension, and that had me glued to the pages. It’s a rich, complex story that flew by for me – I really enjoyed it.


I was woefully unprepared for how much I was going to enjoy this – I loved every unhinged minute of it! I’ve been reading a few too many rom coms recently, so it was time to shake things up. And this addictive, off-kilter romance did exactly that. It’s immensely bingeable and engrossing from the first few pages, with an unpredictable romance that does not follow any of the usual rules. Its dark comedy, high steam, and intense, protective (anti)hero reminded me a lot of JT Geissinger’s mafia romances, which is a huge compliment. I’ve been looking for other books with a similar vibe, and this was the first that perfected the mix of humor, mafia elements, and spice. Not only did it have me fanning myself with the many spicy scenes, but it also had me laughing and smiling. Even when I probably shouldn’t have been, lol. It definitely kept me on my toes and kept me up way too late reading, which is the mark of an excellent book for me.

The story follows Savannah, a woman who just started dating a guy. She’s not so sure about him, and discovering that he’s married is the final nail in the coffin… on their relationship, at least. The final, final nail is when Savannah overhears the guy being murdered by his brother-in-law. When the killer, King, discovers that Savannah witnessed the crime, he finds himself kidnapping her. It’s not the first time (or the last) that King has been up to no good, but it’s definitely the first time he’s acted so recklessly. Taking Savannah to his home and letting her into his space is definitely not King’s smartest idea, but he finds himself drawn to her. Demanding that she marry him probably isn’t the brightest idea either, but it means that she can’t be forced to testify against him. And, while Savannah probably (definitely) should be terrified of King, she can’t help but feel an unexpected connection to her new husband.

I love marriage of convenience and mafia romances, so the tropes were really working for me with this one. Kidnapping romances are typically a tougher trope for me, but this worked for a variety of reasons. First, Savannah isn’t some young and naive girl; she’s 32 (to King’s 45), and she’s fiery enough to push back against King. Second, King was kind of a sweetheart? Okay, not really, but it was clear that he was totally gone for his girl, and I loved that he was in so over his head. King did not see Savannah coming, and his main goal was to keep her close. He probably went about it the wrong way, lol, but it was really entertaining. King is definitely an over-the-top, alpha, intense (murderer), but he was also very easy to like and the biggest softie for his girl. The two have QUITE the connection, with chemistry that sparked almost instantly. The spicy scenes were both plentiful and intimate, with many, many smokin’ hot moments. There was one scene I wasn’t so sure about (I was clutching my pearls for sure), but it made sense for the characters, I suppose. And there was never a doubt in my mind that this was going to get 5 EASY stars from me; it’s the kind of book that won me over in minutes. It’s my first read from this author and it certainly won’t be the last. I loved it!


The third time’s the charm! While I have absolutely LOVED both of Hazelwood’s previous novels, this one hooked me in INSTANTLY with the banter, electric chemistry, and the tense, forbidden aspect. It feels like her other work, but the vibe is also all its own – it progresses a little differently, the storyline is unpredictable, and the characters themselves are so rich and interesting. I loved that our heroine is strong and intelligent, yet also grapples with trying to find herself. And I adored that our hero genuinely loves the aspects of her that she is most insecure about. I loved that they push each other to be better, and it was EASY to see all of the ways they’re perfect together. The forbidden aspect – our heroine is (fake) dating the hero’s brother – adds a whole new layer of complexity to the relationship development, and it really ratcheted up the tension. I devoured this so quickly, and I was completely hooked the entire time.

The story follows Elsie, a struggling theoretical physicist who has been fake dating guys for years to pay the bills. Elsie is good at fake dating, because she’s been molding herself into whoever other people want her to be her entire life, and it’s as natural as breathing at this point. Except… there’s one guy who can’t seem to stand her, the older brother of her favorite client. They’ve only interacted a few times over the last six months, but it’s easy to see that Jack is skeptical of Elsie. So when he discovers that Elsie isn’t the sweet and demure librarian she claimed to be – she’s actually a highly-regarded physicist who is interviewing for a job she desperately needs – it complicates their already-strained relationship. And when Elsie realizes that Jack might be the one who determines whether or not she gets the job? Well, she knows she has a rocky road ahead.

There’s something about Hazelwood’s writing style that I find immensely bingeable, and this was no exception. I didn’t read the blurb before diving in, I just started reading – and I was gripped by the premise right away. The unique concept and unpredictability, plus the vibrant academic environment, added such a fresh feel to this. Yes, it still felt like Hazelwood’s other work – with a heroine who works in STEM, a single perspective, an overwhelmingly large and intriguing hero, and enemies to lovers vibes – but I could also see the differences immediately. I loved that I wasn’t quite sure how things would progress, and I really loved both Jack and Elsie. Elsie’s personality-shifting was really interesting to read, and it was great that Jack could read her like a book. We get that fantastic friction of an enemies-ish to lovers romance, the forbidden element, the rivalry, and the sheer connection of two people who are perfect for each other. It kept me on my toes as much as they kept each other on theirs, and the whole book was one incredibly engaging ride to HEA. I absolutely loved it, possibly even more than the other two.


Spiciest traditionally published romance I’ve read? Uh, yeah, I think so! I loved that this relationship did not follow the “usual” path, and that it was the hero who was in need of some lessons in the bedroom. I love an alpha hero as much as the next girl, but there’s something so compelling about a cinnamon roll hero who acknowledges when there’s room for improvement – and takes the opportunity to learn how to please his girl. Add in tons of forced proximity via a road trip romance, a strong and confident heroine, and a blushing, nerdy heartthrob, and this made for a great read. It was super spicy, feel good, and playful in the best of ways, and I had no trouble bingeing it in one sitting. I loved it!

The story follows Chandler, a woman whose career isn’t working out the way she hoped. Though she’d love to write her own books, she’s instead been working as a ghostwriter behind the scenes. When she’s offered a new assignment, it sounds like a great fit – with one exception. Chandler’s newest client is none other than the man she had a truly terrible hookup with… and Finn has no idea that he was such a disappointment in the bedroom that she snuck out in the middle of the night rather than face him again. But the job is too good to pass up, and traveling the country with the guy doesn’t sound too awful. And when Finn discovers that his performance was lackluster (at best, lol), Chandler surprises herself by suggesting that they practice until he gets it right.

I’ve enjoyed both of Solomon’s previous books, but this one grabbed my attention much faster. Chandler makes a great heroine (we only get her perspective), and the chemistry between them was apparent from the start. I’ve read plenty of “love lessons” romances in the past, but I’ve never seen one take this spin on things – that Finn’s performance was so cringeworthy that Chandler felt the need to flee the scene. Their practice sessions made for many, many spicy moments, with a level of heat that surprised me. I loved how open and honest they were once they started communicating their needs in the bedroom, which built a solid foundation to their budding relationship. They were able to express what they wanted, and that was really refreshing. It also means that Finn crafted his new skills with Chandler in mind… and he was an eager, quick study. But it wasn’t all about the spice, with plenty of deeper components to this relationship. I also really enjoyed that Finn was everyone’s favorite nerd, and the road trip element was pretty great as well. All in all, it just felt like the kind of romance I’d never read before, with compelling characters and a rich, multifaceted storyline. I was hooked the whole way through.


With a delicious slow burn and feuding that’s really foreplay, I loved the BITE of this rivals to lovers romance. These two have tension from the moment they meet, and it was immensely compelling to watch their bickering slowly simmer into banter, which fueled the passionate dynamic of their relationship. I also loved that it felt fresh and different, with a heroine who is tough as nails until she feels safe enough to let down her guard. And I loved that the hero could see right through her, understanding her in a way that few other people do. It’s the ultimate black cat romance, though this hero is definitely no golden retriever. He may secretly love that she’s a handful, but he gives as good as he gets – and I adored that. Together, they have the kind of chemistry that leaps off the page, and that made it so easy to binge this in one sitting. It kept me on my toes and made me smile and swoon in equal measure, which is why this was an EASY 5-star rating for me. I loved it!

The story follows Layla, a musician with the potential to be a big success. Right now, she’s steadily booking smaller jobs in the hours she’s available, but helping out her best friend means she’s got some restrictions on her time. So when a bigger name comes in and steals her most reliable gig, Layla is instantly annoyed. And every interaction she has with Adrian just makes her want to wipe the smile off his face even more. The two certainly do not start off their relationship on the right foot, but it’s not long before Layla is grudgingly agreeing to team up with him for some performances. The two can’t be in the same room together for five minutes without bickering, but Layla can’t help feeling like some of that tension might be of the sexual variety – at least on her end. Adrian clearly just hates her. But their heated interactions sometimes feel like something else entirely, and Layla isn’t sure what to do about that.

Told exclusively from Layla’s POV, we’re left to decipher Adrian’s actions and feelings without input from him. I loved that. Layla is so focused on their mutual hate that she is either unwilling or unable to see the shift in the dynamic, but I absolutely ADORED Adrian, and his feelings were obvious to me. I loved trying to analyze every interaction for its deeper context, and watching the subtle changes was so much fun. As much as I loved Meet Me Halfway, this was SO different and yet equally entertaining. The series is tied together by the characters (but easy to read as standalones), but this has a significant tonal shift. It also focuses on Layla and her unique struggles, which don’t become apparent until we get to know her better. I loved that Adrian figured her out so quickly and could see behind her (very high) walls. She’s the kind of heroine that not every reader is going to love, but I liked her more and more as the book progressed. Same with Adrian, honestly. The more I figured him out, the more I loved him. And the more I thought he made the perfect match for Layla. They don’t have – and never will have – a soft, tender love, but it’s one that is just as deep. And that slow burn? Whoa boy, I was so, SO invested when they finally gave in. This is the kind of book that hooked me from the start but gets even better as it progresses, and I loved it a lot.


With palpable tension and a fresh, engrossing storyline, this arranged marriage romance had me glued to the pages from start to finish. I loved the battle between this couple; they’re both strong and hard-headed, so neither one is willing to be the first to bend. And while they’ve known about their likely inevitable marriage for a decade, they’ve never exchanged more than pleasantries in the past – so they were woefully unprepared for the sparks that would fly between them. The push/pull dynamic and charged sexual tension had me hooked, and I loved that the storyline kept me on my toes. Both characters were great, but I particularly loved that the hero knew he’d been handed a good thing, and he was willing to fight tooth and nail to make the heroine believe that he truly wanted it. They underestimated each other, and watching them recalibrate their expectations was so much fun. I loved it!

The story follows Scarlett, a woman who accepted her fate a decade ago. Though she’s an extremely wealthy entrepreneur and workaholic herself, she also comes from a powerful family – the kind that thinks of marriages as business transactions. Scarlett has known for the better part of a decade that her groom would likely be Crew Kensington, and she resigned herself to that fact a long time ago. But when the papers are drawn up and the engagement is announced, things begin to shift between them. Though Crew and Scarlett have circled each other for years, they’ve never taken the time to get to know each other – and that may prove to be a fatal mistake. Crew soon realizes that he’s extremely attracted to the woman who was given to him, and entering into an arranged marriage with her means she has every single one of her guards up.

I love a marriage of convenience romance, but arranged marriages can be a tougher sell. This one was truly special because Crew and Scarlett were so evenly matched. They’re both strong, intelligent workaholics who don’t really need the power or influence their marriage garners them, and the fact that Scarlett held her ground was so refreshing. She expects them to have a marriage on paper only – with no assumption of fidelity – and I loved that Crew had to prove himself over and over again. He loves her bite, and he’s willing to put in the work. Their dynamic was also extremely charged, because they made no promises to be faithful to each other. I was definitely kept on my toes, waiting to see if either would cross any unforgivable lines, and I actually liked how much the author teases us. It’s a safe read in the ways that count, but one that toys with both the characters and the reader. That certainly adds intensity to the story as well, and caused a ton of friction. I loved the slow growth in intimacy paired with the fire and spice. This was a sexy read, and they fought hard for their trust and emotional connection. That made it even more fulfilling when they finally got there. An excellent, compelling read, and one that has me very excited for the next interconnected standalone in the series.


It’s always the quiet ones! A little shy and a lot grumbly, this hero steals the show in a big way. He’s this reserved, gentle giant who rarely speaks to anyone (other than our heroine), and he’s convinced that he doesn’t have what it takes to keep a woman happy in the long run. Watching him fall hard and fast for his girl while struggling to accept that he’s enough for her was so compelling, and I loved the little bit of enemies-ish tension thrown into the mix. The heroine was also great, as was the setting – it’s a small town romance that’s set in Scotland, so there are accents and even a sexy kilt scene or two. This slow burn also brings the SIZZLE towards the end, dialing up the intensity for a spicy, intimate love story. I ended up loving the whole thing, and I’m looking forward to reading more from this new-to-me author.

The story follows April, an actress whose career has been moving in the wrong direction. When she’s called back to her hometown to take care of the whisky distillery she just inherited, it’s a surprisingly welcome break for her. Unfortunately, her new business partner is not overly excited to see her. While Mal may have crushed on April as a teenager, he’s disappointed in her recent actions. He’s always been quiet and unapproachable, but it was never like this. But as the two work on rebuilding the business together, their tension simmers into an entirely different kind. Mal knows there’s no way a woman like April intends to stick around forever, but that doesn’t stop his feelings from growing.

I really didn’t know what to expect going into this, and that made the reading experience even better. I loved the small town vibes paired with the Scottish feel, I loved the mutual crushes turned into adult tension of a different variety. I loved the sweetheart of a hero and the way his adoration for April was palpable. I also found his insecurities and unique background to be the things that made this a complex, multi-faceted read. There’s something so compelling about a hero who not only shows his sweet side, but also acknowledges that he might not be enough… especially when that is clearly not the case. Mal and April have great chemistry in this, and that was proven once they crossed those lines. It was spicier than I expected, and the whole thing was a feel good, (mostly) lighthearted read. A definite win for me.



With an unpredictable, tension-filled storyline and multi-faceted characters, this held my interest with ease and had me bingeing it in one sitting. I loved that I could never anticipate what would happen next, and I loved how fresh and different it felt. It still plays up some common tropes – Vegas wedding, billionaire, forbidden – but does them in a way that I hadn’t seen before. I also liked the redemption of two characters who I thought I would struggle to connect with. If I didn’t linger too much on their actions in the first book, I had no trouble liking either character, particularly the nuanced Oliver. It’s got he falls first vibes, a little bit of bite, and plenty of chemistry to keep things interesting. The only real drawback for me was a slower start (not enough time on the page together), but it more than made up for that in the back half, so I’m choosing to round up my rating. After loving Fake Empire, this was a solid and satisfying followup, and I hope we get more from the series.

The story follows Oliver, a billionaire who appears to have it all, but feels like a failure. He’s always felt like second best with his father, and working himself to the bone hasn’t seemed to change that. And after a colossal mistake – sleeping with his father’s much younger trophy wife – their relationship is now worse than ever. So when Oliver goes on a trip to Vegas and meets a stranger in a bar, their instant connection is a welcome reprieve from the tension in his life. Unfortunately, waking up married and discovering that his new wife is his brother’s ex f-buddy does nothing to uncomplicate Oliver’s life. The two immediately agree to divorce, but that night continues to have repercussions when Oliver’s father demands he enter a marriage of convenience with someone else… and he can’t say yes. And spending time with his new wife only brings them closer, even as their divorce filings proceed.

I loved Fake Empire, so I was excited when I heard there was going to be another book set in that world. I was initially hesitant when I discovered Oliver is the hero (he didn’t exactly give a great first impression, lol), but as soon as I read the blurb, I was IN. And when I found out who the heroine is? Yeah, I was taken aback! I kinda love that it’s a redemption story for them both, but it was also easy to see the ways they’d connect on a level they wouldn’t with anyone else. They have the kind of instant connection and chemistry that’s foundational to a Vegas wedding romance, and I was hooked on the story after that. My only complaint is that it takes awhile for them to spend a significant amount of time together, but I also wasn’t uninterested in the things that were happening in their lives separately. They both needed to grow as characters, and the marriage had some serious ramifications on their individual lives. Once they reconnect and spend some real time with each other, it was tension-filled deliciousness. This is spicier than Fake Empire, and I loved how those intimate moments showed the growth in their relationship in ways their words did not. All in all, a soapy, bingeable read, and one that stands out from the pack.


What a great debut! I was really hoping this was going to live up to the promise of that GORGEOUS cover and the stellar recommendation from Ali Hazelwood, and it definitely came pretty close. Told in a mix of flashbacks and present day, we see the strained relationship of these former lovers as they work on the wedding of a lifetime together – she as the wedding planner, he as the florist. Juxtaposed with scenes from the early days of their relationship, we can see all the ways they’ve broken each other’s hearts. I loved the “he falls first” and black cat vibes. Elliot is such a sweetheart of a man, who would’ve gladly handed his heart over to our heroine if only she’d let him. The depth of feelings between them was immediately apparent, and I loved digging in to see how it all unraveled. It’s upbeat one minute and heartbreaking the next, with contrasting tones that give it such a dynamic feel. I was rooting for these two to find their way back together, and this debut had me hooked the whole way through.

The story follows Ama, a wedding planner who doesn’t believe in marriage. Her mother has been married so many times that Ama now thinks of weddings as great parties, and she does her best to make them special. Ama has been building her own business, and she’s presented with a fantastic opportunity – a high profile wedding with a budget unlike any she’s dealt with before. The only catch? The happy couple has already selected their florist, and it’s the man who stole Ama’s heart a few years ago. Ama and Elliot haven’t spoken since their devastating breakup, and working together is sure to stir up some complicated feelings… but how can they say no? It was through work that these two connected the first time around, and teaming up again is a recipe for disaster.

The writing pulled me in immediately, and I was desperate to figure out what went wrong with Ama and Elliot’s relationship the first time around. I’m selective about the second chance romances I read, but it was clear from the start that these two have not gotten over each other. Elliot is this quiet, artistic, flower-obsessed boy, and his devotion to Ama was clear from the start. I loved him so much. Ama makes a great character as well, though I was a little upset with her for toying with my guy, lol. They are obviously perfect for each other in all ways but one, and that added some tension and conflict. I do think the first half was stronger than the second – the wedding is as much a character as the main couple, and I definitely could’ve used more scenes of them connecting in present day. That sort of got lost with all of the wedding content. But that would really be my only complaint; this was a very strong debut, and I am excited to see what’s next from the author. Well worth a read.


Did you see my August Release Calendar?

It includes the August releases I’m excited about AND 200+ upcoming books that are available for preorder! Check it out here.

Check out this week’s new releases here.

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