MINI REVIEW: Keyed Up by Sarah Estep

It’s a mini review! I’m clearing out my review queue of all the books I can’t seem to convince myself to finish, for one reason or another. That doesn’t mean these are negative reviews, it simply means that something isn’t compelling me to keep reading at the moment. Maybe I’ll go back to them another day, maybe I won’t!

DNF Details:

How far did I get? Over 200 pages in, about 60%.

Why did I stop? A couple of reasons, none of which reflect the quality of the book. First and foremost, I really just don’t connect to third person POV very well. These days, I encounter it so infrequently that I struggle with it every time. I actually really enjoyed the plot and the characters, and I was planning to finish this. It’s one of those books that I binged one day and set aside when one of my favorite authors had a new release, fully intending to go back to it in a few days. A few days turned into a few weeks, and here we are. To refresh my memory before diving back in, I checked my documents to see what quotes I had pulled… and there were none. If I’m connecting with a book, I’m constantly highlighting quotes to use in my review. That there were none speaks volumes – I really do think it was the third person POV that kept me feeling disconnected, because the plot was solid and the characters were fun.

Was I enjoying it initially? Yes, definitely. I had heard nothing but good things, so I pushed through my initial struggles with the POV, and I actually found it easier to read than a lot of other third person books. I liked the forced proximity and enemies to lovers vibes, as well as the cast of characters. It’s got a fun community feel and the couple is working on a project together, which is always a win. The hero is a bit of a jerk, but you can see him softening towards the heroine against his will, which is like catnip to me. And having everything be contained to the hotel setting was really fun as well, so it was sexy and playful.

Would I finish this? I… yes? If I had pulled quotes when I was reading the first time, then I definitely would’ve dove right back in. The fact that I didn’t highlight any passages tells me that this had no chance of getting 5 stars from me, but I think it could’ve been a solid 4. It felt like a 4 as I was reading. Unfortunately, the third person POV is still going to be there if I do give it another go, so not sure if picking it back up is going to change anything.

Who would I recommend this to? Anyone who likes sexy small town romances with a cast of characters, especially if you prefer third person POV. I know there are a ton of readers out there who still prefer that perspective, so this one’s for you! It kicks off a series of interconnected standalones, with another installment on the way soon.



Hotel manager Eloise Price is getting a crash course in being careful what you wish for. After years of dreaming about owning the historic Crane Hotel, she was thrilled when her former boss left half of the hotel to her in his will. But dreams have a funny way of turning into nightmares and all that original plumbing has sucked her bank account dry. It doesn’t help that her co-owner hasn’t lifted a finger to help. Would a jury convict her if she strangled him?

Graham Thatcher has it all. A thriving tech business, great friends, and a not-so-small obsession with a romantic Victorian drama that he keeps secret from everyone but his anonymous message board friend. The last thing he wanted was half of the decrepit hotel his great uncle left him in his will. After months of increasingly terse emails and zero progress, Graham finally travels to sleepy Crane Cove, Oregon to convince his stubborn co-owner to see things his way. Except Eloise is not at all what he was expecting, and with every passing day, Graham begins to question if what he thought he didn’t want is exactly what he needs.

And his elusive internet friend? She might be a little closer than he thinks.


About the Author:

Sarah is a Pacific Northwest based romance writer who would call herself “indoorsy”. When she isn’t traipsing around the country for work, Sarah enjoys buying more books than she can ever read, drinking an irresponsible amount of coffee, and not respecting her bedtime. 

There’s no such thing as too many Happily Ever Afters. Sarah’s books have humor, heat, and characters you wish could be your friends. 

Find her on Instagram @remarkablysarah

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