TOP 20 OF 2023: The Complete List

In case you missed it! I shared my 20 favorite books of 2023 over the holidays, and now I’ve got all of the reviews in one place! Looking back, I really did have a fantastic reading year – there were so many great books that ALMOST made my top 20 list, and plenty of others that were just really solid reads. The books on this list represent the absolute BEST romance novels I read all year. Out of over 150 books, these rose to the top of the pack with ease.

Clearly I love sexual tension and forced proximity more than anything; there were several outstanding romances that featured those. But they’re so versatile, because each book on this list is completely different. From dark and steamy mafia books to light and playful sports romances, there’s a little something for every mood. I’m one of those readers who likes to switch things up – if I read something heavy, then the next book has to be light. If one book plays up the tropes, then the next one has to surprise me. I’m a mood reader, what can I say!

Every book on this list was an excellent reading experience for me, and I am so excited to see what 2024 brings!

I savored this like the absolute treat that it was, and ADORED every second of it. Rarely does a series maintain its quality throughout multiple installments, but each book in this series has gotten better and better. I loved Mile High and The Right Move stole my heart in a major way, so Caught Up had a LOT to live up to. I was worried that it wouldn’t. But it only took a few pages to get wrapped up in the story, and it held me captivated every moment after that. The sexual tension is off the charts, the playfulness made it so much fun, and the angstier elements had my stomach in knots. The steady, sweetheart of a hero had me absolutely SWOONING in so many moments, and I loved that the firecracker of a heroine brought out a different side of him. The banter and chemistry between them jumped off the page, and the spice… wow. Intense and scorching. I’m happy to report that this exceeded my VERY high expectations, and is easily one of my favorite books of the year.

The story follows Kai (32), a pro baseball player who unexpectedly became a father last year. The weight of responsibility and shifting priorities have turned him into a serious, reserved man who barely remembers what he used to be like. After Kai fires his son’s most recent nanny, his coach finds someone else to fill the role – his daughter. Though Miller (25) has a life and career of her own, she’s been feeling restless and burned out recently. She needs a break. So taking care of a sweet little boy for the summer doesn’t sound too bad, even if she has to deal with his broody father. The two clash at every turn, but it’s impossible to deny that the sparks flying between them are combustible. Opposites attract, and Miller brings out a side of Kai that he forgot was inside him. But Miller has made it clear that she won’t be sticking around after the summer, and that’s something they both have to keep in mind.

I’m not intimidated by a 500-page book when I know that I’m in for a deliciously well-developed romance, and this is exactly that. Tomforde put me through every emotion, crafting a love story that’s comedic one minute and heart-wrenching the next. I loved the found family aspect, and I also loved the tension of knowing that these two were quickly heading towards trouble. Though I found Miller to be an immensely compelling and complex heroine, I was smitten with Kai from the start. He stepped up to be a (fantastic) dad, and the plentiful family moments were adorable. So cute. What I loved the most though was how Miller brought him back to life and pushed him to want more for himself. The tension of knowing Miller would be leaving added so much friction to the story, and you could definitely feel that as the emotional connection grew. The spice was incredibly multi-faceted and intimate, while also being vivid and HOT. Every scene had me hooked in one way or another, and I was teary-eyed and fully focused during the final scenes. A powerhouse of a read, this isn’t one that I’ll soon forget.


I love it when a book feels like a 5-star read from the start and then proceeds to just get better and better with every page – especially when it’s by a new-to-me author. I stumbled upon this book on just the right day, diving in with little to no expectations. It took no time at all to win me over; the secretly sweet, broken boy at the heart of it grabbed my interest and didn’t let go. He’s the kind of guy who is all anger and intensity on the surface, heartache and vulnerability on the inside. An MMA fighter who trains simply so he has a place to let out all of his bottled-up emotions. Pairing him with a sweet, former ballet dancer makes for a classic bad boy/good girl dynamic, but this felt so much deeper than that. It’s equal parts emotional and introspective, lighthearted and swoony, spicy and tense. Castle deftly navigates all of the hero’s conflicting emotions, allowing his story to truly shine. I loved watching him slowly let down his walls and reveal the sweetheart inside – a guy who is loving, protective, and wholly deserving of his own HEA. It had me hooked the whole way through, and left quite the impression on me. I loved it!

The story follows Kane (26), a guy whose childhood shaped the man he is today. Years of disappointment and pain have hardened his heart and left him with some anger issues, which further isolate him from the world. So Kane is less than impressed when a pretty little rich girl moves into the apartment next door. Kane has had to fight for everything he has, and this spoiled girl has clearly been handed everything she needs. But there’s more to Isabella (23) than meets the eye, and the sweet-hearted girl is stronger than she looks. It’s not long before the two are seeing new sides to each other, and Kane is surprised when he starts opening up to Isabella in a way that he hasn’t with anyone else. There’s no way that Isabella would choose a guy like Kane for the long-run, but maybe he can bask in her sunshine for a little while.

I really didn’t know what to expect going into this, but I saw so many glowing reviews that I figured I’d better dive in. And the book took no time at all to win me over; even the smaller moments have an undercurrent of depth that intrigued me. There’s something so endearing about a broken hero, and I loved watching Isabella heal Kane’s shattered pieces. When he finally has the strength to let some love into his life, it was incredible to watch the transformation. The book still feels young and fresh because of the characters’ ages, but the emotional depth is definitely there. It’s rare that a book pulls me in so deeply and that a character grows so much throughout their time on the pages, but Kane absolutely stole my heart. There are some downright SWOONY moments paired with plenty of tender ones. And I can’t forget the steam; there are so many SPICY scenes that are intimate and revealing while also simply being fan-worthy. I loved the intensity of the story as well as the quieter moments, and it’s the kind of book I wanted to devour with no interruptions. A definite win for me!


I was absolutely GLOWING with swoons (and maybe even a happy tear or two) at the end of this book, and I can’t offer higher praise than that. That’s exactly why I read romance, the feeling I HOPE to get from every love story. This book got better and better with every page, until I was so emotionally attached to this couple that I was aching for them to finally get their happily ever after. The history between them was rich and messy and compelling, and I loved how the bite of their interactions was actually like a tender caress to their souls. They’ve pushed each other to be better for years, and I adored how that translated to their relationship as adults. It’s one of those books where bickering is actually bantering, feuding is truly flirting, and the tension arcing between them is not always as it seems. Easily one of the most smartly-written books I’ve read this year, and shockingly good for a debut. I loved it!

The story follows Noelle, a twenty-something woman who is feeling adrift. Her career is a mess, she’s back to living with her parents, and the loss of her grandmother has been a blow that she can’t seem to shake. When Noelle discovers that her grandmother had a great love before her grandpa, it’s a shock to the system. One viral video later, and Noelle is on a mission to learn more. She’s elated when she connects with the mystery man’s grandson… and dismayed when she realizes it’s her childhood rival, the man she’s measured all of her failures against. Theo drove her crazy when they were teens, and yet Noelle soon finds herself taking a two-week road trip with the infuriating man and his adorable grandfather, unraveling the mystery of her grandmother’s lost love.

The premise is one that I have never read before, and that made it compelling from the start. I love the concept and the intricacies of Theo and Noelle’s history, the interconnectedness of their experiences. They literally wouldn’t exist if their grandparents’ love had lasted, which is such an interesting concept. That adds another layer to their childhood rivalry and the feelings that have lingered since. We only get Noelle’s POV, so I loved searching for the deeper meanings behind their interactions. Not every feud is as simple as it seems on the surface, and that’s one of the best parts of the book. The tension between them crackled, shifting into the kind of intimacy that is only built from so many shared experiences. That intimacy shines in the back half, with spicy scenes that are insightful and revealing (as well as hot!), and I loved digging into those deeper moments. It’s angsty and uplifting all at once, and caused me to shed tears of all varieties – happy, sad, sentimental. That’s a testament to the quality of the story, and it’s not one that I’ll soon forget.


I read this in bits and pieces, soaking up the tender moments and savoring the little dose of sweetness it brought to my day. It’s got to be the softest, gentlest, SWOONIEST romance I’ve read in a long time, bringing happy, sentimental tears to my eyes on several occasions. It’s just like… cuteness overload. The hero at the heart of it is also the sweetest man; a genuinely good guy who has been struggling ever since his heart was ripped to pieces. I loved that he laid his heart on the line and let our heroine put him back together again, while he did the same to her. She’s also a worthy match for this gentle man, and I adored how she brought out a fierce, protective side of him. It’s got one of the most successful found family components I have EVER read, and I cannot believe how perfectly this friend group has grown and evolved as the series has progressed. Add in some serious chemistry and spice that was both incredibly intimate and intensely hot, and this was quite the multi-faceted read. I absolutely loved it!

The story follows Adam, the golden boy of hockey. He’s still reeling from a messy breakup with his high school sweetheart, and he’s lost the confidence and optimism he once had. Date after unsuccessful date have left him with a mountain of disappointment, and he’s feeling adrift. So when Adam bumps into a pink-haired girl whose smile lights up his day, he’s filled with hope for the first time in awhile. And when Rosie hears his name and doesn’t realize that he’s a wealthy, beloved hockey player… well, Adam basks in the anonymity. As Adam quickly falls for Rosie and her adorable little boy, he feels a sense of contentment that he didn’t expect. And as Rosie falls for Adam, she starts to believe that she’s finally found someone who will love every part of her… though she doesn’t realize that he’s hiding a very important part of himself.

Consider Me was SUCH a fantastic read, I’ve had very high expectations for the series ever since. So when the hero in Play With Me disappointed me within a few pages (men are stupid sometimes, I’m over it), I wasn’t sure where I stood anymore. I decided to dive into Unravel Me before going back to Play With Me, and I am so glad that I did. Adam is just the sweetest man you’ve ever met, and he somehow got better and better with every page. He fell for Rosie right away, and he didn’t falter for a single moment when her son entered his life. I loved how they healed old wounds together, and their whole love story is so uplifting and powerful. I had a serious case of the warm and fuzzies, which resulted in me tearing up SO many times. I savored it over the course of several days, reading a few chapters and basking in the swoons. By the end, though, I became greedy for more of this couple, and their journey to happily ever after was best kind of treat. I’ve even forgiven the hero in Play With Me (you know what you did), and I couldn’t be more excited about the next installment. This was another phenomenal read from Mack, and one I won’t soon forget.


I knew it was a good sign when I cackled at the meet cute – and, sure enough, this banter-filled, playful and spicy romance kept me hooked the rest of the way through. I really didn’t know what I was getting into with this one, but it took no time at all to get a feel for the vibes. I adored the chemistry between these two characters, which was apparent from the moment they met. It hit the ground running and didn’t let up the whole way through, with a delicious, SPICY romance that truly delivered on the sexual tension. These two both know that there’s a ticking clock on their time together, and that adds a layer of angst and heartache that pairs perfectly with the sweet, spicy vibes of the rest of the story. It had just enough holiday feels to be ideal for the season, though this book would be great any time of the year. I can’t wait to read the next installment – this was a fantastic introduction to this new-to-me author. I loved it!

The story follows Ophelia, a teacher from Colorado who made the decision to do something for herself and take three weeks off to spend the holidays in Florida with her best friend. While browsing a dating app at the airport, Ophelia matches with a sexy stranger… only to realize that the guy is there at the airport with her. The two quickly figure out all the ways they’re wrong for each other, before discovering that they’ll be spending the holidays together. Turns out, their friends are dating pretty seriously, and the two will be spending a lot of time in each other’s company. As Ophelia and Frankie get to know each other better, they realize that they have a stronger connection than either anticipated. With Ophelia leaving in a few weeks and Frankie just starting to dip his toes in the dating pool again, there’s no way they’ll ever be anything more than a fling. But keeping feelings out of the equation is easier said than done.

After a string of disappointing books, I was absolutely DELIGHTED to dive into this light and sexy romance. It caught my attention right away, and the obvious chemistry between Ophelia and Frankie kept me completely engaged. They’re total opposites in so many ways, but I loved how they brought out the best in each other. Ophelia awakens something inside Frankie that’s been quiet for years, and it was great to see what an exceptional man he really was. There’s tons of banter and sexual tension, as well as a surprising level of heat. Not only is the story pretty sex positive, but it had SO many spicy moments sprinkled throughout. I’d like to call this a hot slow burn, but Ophelia and Frankie’s connection was obvious right away. They did their best to fight the feelings and keep things firmly in the no strings zone, but that clearly wasn’t gonna happen. I really enjoyed both characters as well as the supporting cast, so I would definitely read more from the series. It was such a fun and sexy time, with just enough holiday vibes to warm up the season.


This deliciously addictive romance takes the “boy obsessed” trope to a whole other level while wrapping up the series with a neat little bow – I loved it! We knew very little about either character before diving in, but it only took a few minutes to get a feel for the dynamic. It’s easy to see that both characters have been sneaking glances at the other for quite awhile now, and it just took a little push to shift their relationship in a very big way. Like the other books in the series, Hans is a walking red flag, but the kind who is incredibly endearing and kind of a sweetheart at the same time. It’s clear that he is absolutely obsessed with his girl (I think that’s a compliment, lol), and I loved the brightness that she brought to his otherwise-dark life. There’s spice and suspense and so much sexual tension, which cranks up the moment these two starting interacting face-to-face. It was everything I could want from a finale AND a standalone romance, and I cannot even tell you how quickly I flew through the pages.

The story follows Cassie, a woman who has lived across the street from a handsome stranger for the last year. She’s been trying to get closer to Hans ever since their brief introduction, but he’s dodged every attempt she’s made. Their only interactions have been exchanges of the baked goods Cassie makes for him all the time, and she’s close to giving up. But one very unexpected event changes the whole situation, and suddenly Hans is everywhere. He’s overwhelming Cassie’s senses and making it clear that he wants her, which is a shock to the system. The closer Cassie gets to Hans, the more she sees the dark side of him, but it’s easy to see that he’s a good man on the inside. Hans is a little bit broken, and finally having all of Cassie’s attention seems to bring something back to life in him – which may be the the end of them both.

I’ve been loving every installment of this series, and this was such a fitting conclusion. It’s got the same over-the-top, delicious vibes, while still feeling like its own thing. Hans might actually be the most obsessed of the antiheroes in this series, which is really saying something, lol. But I could not stop my love for him, which developed almost as quickly as his love for Cassandra. These two are absolute FIRE together, heating up the pages with their mutual attraction. I liked that Cassandra was such a sweetheart and a bright spot in Hans’ life, though she also clearly had a backbone and knew the trouble she was getting into. I loved watching Hans come alive again under Cassie’s care, and he really was a great guy underneath all of his grief and darkness. Be sure to check the CW on this one. The vibes are suspenseful, spicy and playful, with a ton of banter and humor mixed with all the darkness. I didn’t even mind the light “Daddy” vibes, because it seemed to fit the dynamic of these two. Also, there isn’t a major age gap (30/39), so that was a factor too. All in all, this was a powerhouse of a finale, and such a wild ride. I was lucky enough to receive an early copy, and am voluntarily leaving a review of this extra-spicy romance.


Of all the men to (accidentally) get pregnant by, our heroine picked the PERFECT one! He is what book boyfriends are made of, and I loved watching the tender, patient, and steady hero worm his way under the reluctant heroine’s skin. They had the kind of meet cute and intimate, smokin’ HOT hookup that showcased the potential of a relationship, which made the slow burn, roommates/expectant parents scenario that followed even more torturous. Watching them build a friendship after the night they spent together was all kinds of angsty, and I often wanted to shake the heroine so she’d see what was right in front of her. I loved the heavier undertones of this otherwise lighthearted romance though – both of these characters have limb differences, and that meant they connected on a level that they might not have been able to with anyone else. It’s a black cat/golden retriever romance with tension fueling all of the quieter moments, and I loved it every step of the way.

The story follows Win, a woman who meets an intriguing guy at a Halloween party. They have instant chemistry, and Win feels comfortable enough with Bo that she suggests they have a one-time hookup. After having her heart broken in the past, Win likes to keep her relationships quick and casual… which makes the positive pregnancy test she takes a few weeks later even more troublesome. Getting knocked up by a stranger she never planned to see again is complicated enough, but Win also feels drawn to Bo in a way that has her putting up all of her walls. As the two strangers recalibrate their expectations and decide to move in together during the pregnancy, they develop a friendship that adds tension to an already messy situation. Win is determined to keep their relationship platonic, but that’s easier said than done.

I really enjoyed Bonam-Young’s first two books, so I was eager to jump into this, especially once I read the blurb. I’m always up for a fling to more romance, and I love a roommates to lovers situation. I also loved the deeper undertones and the quiet slow burn. During their night together, Win let Bo get closer than intended, and the intimacy bled from the page. Not only did they have fantastic chemistry, but those scenes revealed the depth of a connection that should’ve been shallow. After that, Win’s defenses were higher than ever. In a way, I found that frustrating, but I also understood it. To me, it was clear that Bo was a genuinely good guy, and I loved that he had the patience to win her over. The forced proximity and process of getting to know one another also added plenty of sexual tension, and that had me glued to the pages. It’s a rich, complex story that flew by for me – I really enjoyed it.


I was woefully unprepared for how much I was going to enjoy this – I loved every unhinged minute of it! I’ve been reading a few too many rom coms recently, so it was time to shake things up. And this addictive, off-kilter romance did exactly that. It’s immensely bingeable and engrossing from the first few pages, with an unpredictable romance that does not follow any of the usual rules. Its dark comedy, high steam, and intense, protective (anti)hero reminded me a lot of JT Geissinger’s mafia romances, which is a huge compliment. I’ve been looking for other books with a similar vibe, and this was the first that perfected the mix of humor, mafia elements, and spice. Not only did it have me fanning myself with the many spicy scenes, but it also had me laughing and smiling. Even when I probably shouldn’t have been, lol. It definitely kept me on my toes and kept me up way too late reading, which is the mark of an excellent book for me.

The story follows Savannah, a woman who just started dating a guy. She’s not so sure about him, and discovering that he’s married is the final nail in the coffin… on their relationship, at least. The final, final nail is when Savannah overhears the guy being murdered by his brother-in-law. When the killer, King, discovers that Savannah witnessed the crime, he finds himself kidnapping her. It’s not the first time (or the last) that King has been up to no good, but it’s definitely the first time he’s acted so recklessly. Taking Savannah to his home and letting her into his space is definitely not King’s smartest idea, but he finds himself drawn to her. Demanding that she marry him probably isn’t the brightest idea either, but it means that she can’t be forced to testify against him. And, while Savannah probably (definitely) should be terrified of King, she can’t help but feel an unexpected connection to her new husband.

I love marriage of convenience and mafia romances, so the tropes were really working for me with this one. Kidnapping romances are typically a tougher trope for me, but this worked for a variety of reasons. First, Savannah isn’t some young and naive girl; she’s 32 (to King’s 45), and she’s fiery enough to push back against King. Second, King was kind of a sweetheart? Okay, not really, but it was clear that he was totally gone for his girl, and I loved that he was in so over his head. King did not see Savannah coming, and his main goal was to keep her close. He probably went about it the wrong way, lol, but it was really entertaining. King is definitely an over-the-top, alpha, intense (murderer), but he was also very easy to like and the biggest softie for his girl. The two have QUITE the connection, with chemistry that sparked almost instantly. The spicy scenes were both plentiful and intimate, with many, many smokin’ hot moments. There was one scene I wasn’t so sure about (I was clutching my pearls for sure), but it made sense for the characters, I suppose. And there was never a doubt in my mind that this was going to get 5 EASY stars from me; it’s the kind of book that won me over in minutes. It’s my first read from this author and it certainly won’t be the last. I loved it!


The third time’s the charm! While I have absolutely LOVED both of Hazelwood’s previous novels, this one hooked me in INSTANTLY with the banter, electric chemistry, and the tense, forbidden aspect. It feels like her other work, but the vibe is also all its own – it progresses a little differently, the storyline is unpredictable, and the characters themselves are so rich and interesting. I loved that our heroine is strong and intelligent, yet also grapples with trying to find herself. And I adored that our hero genuinely loves the aspects of her that she is most insecure about. I loved that they push each other to be better, and it was EASY to see all of the ways they’re perfect together. The forbidden aspect – our heroine is (fake) dating the hero’s brother – adds a whole new layer of complexity to the relationship development, and it really ratcheted up the tension. I devoured this so quickly, and I was completely hooked the entire time.

The story follows Elsie, a struggling theoretical physicist who has been fake dating guys for years to pay the bills. Elsie is good at fake dating, because she’s been molding herself into whoever other people want her to be her entire life, and it’s as natural as breathing at this point. Except… there’s one guy who can’t seem to stand her, the older brother of her favorite client. They’ve only interacted a few times over the last six months, but it’s easy to see that Jack is skeptical of Elsie. So when he discovers that Elsie isn’t the sweet and demure librarian she claimed to be – she’s actually a highly-regarded physicist who is interviewing for a job she desperately needs – it complicates their already-strained relationship. And when Elsie realizes that Jack might be the one who determines whether or not she gets the job? Well, she knows she has a rocky road ahead.

There’s something about Hazelwood’s writing style that I find immensely bingeable, and this was no exception. I didn’t read the blurb before diving in, I just started reading – and I was gripped by the premise right away. The unique concept and unpredictability, plus the vibrant academic environment, added such a fresh feel to this. Yes, it still felt like Hazelwood’s other work – with a heroine who works in STEM, a single perspective, an overwhelmingly large and intriguing hero, and enemies to lovers vibes – but I could also see the differences immediately. I loved that I wasn’t quite sure how things would progress, and I really loved both Jack and Elsie. Elsie’s personality-shifting was really interesting to read, and it was great that Jack could read her like a book. We get that fantastic friction of an enemies-ish to lovers romance, the forbidden element, the rivalry, and the sheer connection of two people who are perfect for each other. It kept me on my toes as much as they kept each other on theirs, and the whole book was one incredibly engaging ride to HEA. I absolutely loved it, possibly even more than the other two.


I genuinely adored this from start to finish – it was excellent. With combustible chemistry and some surprisingly SPICY scenes, the intense connection between this couple was apparent right away. I loved the bubbly, vivacious personality of the heroine paired with the steady, quiet dependability of the hero. I also loved how she ruffled his feathers and allowed him to reveal a completely different side of him self. The tension snaps and crackles as they try to resist the bond, and the forbidden element ratcheted things up another notch. Add in the compelling reality TV show setting and the connection to The Soulmate Equation, and this was quite simply a win for me the whole way through. I loved it!

The story follows Felicity “Fizzy,” a romance author who has been floundering recently. While she was once a bit of a vixen and serial dater, a bad experience has left her without any inspiration or desire to date for the last year. When she’s approached to star in a brand new reality dating show, Fizzy isn’t sure what to think. The buttoned up executive producer may have a sexy British accent, but he’s just another suit – and one who doesn’t think much of romance or dating shows. But when Fizzy makes a list of outlandish demands and Connor fulfills every one, she finds herself filling the role. Growing closer to Connor as they prep for the show adds another layer of complication, because the serious, contemplative single dad loosens up and shows that he may just be the one man who knows how to handle all of the Fizzy’s chaos with ease. Unfortunately, he’s also the man who is carefully crafting a show that is supposed to make Fizzy fall in love with someone else.

I really enjoyed The Soulmate Equation when it released a few years ago, so I jumped at the chance to read the sequel – especially once I read that blurb. I loved the forbidden element and the complication of the TV show, but it’s Fizzy and Connor’s chemistry that makes this such a great read. They are two very different people who probably wouldn’t have connected if they’d met at another stage in their lives, but they understand and uplift each other in a way that only someone truly special can do. It’s instant chemistry and instant tension, and the push/pull was fun to watch. I also loved it when things SNAPPED between them, and the spicy, intimate moments were intensely addictive. I was also shocked by the conflict, and I am thrilled that I didn’t see it coming. Additionally, I loved that this was in 1st person POV; I looked back, and The Soulmate Equation was in 3rd. That just shows how much things have been trending towards 1st lately, and I found it really easy get immersed in the pages with that POV. I smiled at how this embraced romance novels, tropes, and dating shows. There are some great little surprises for fans of the genre, and the whole thing was vibrant, lighthearted, and tension-filled. An engaging read the whole way through, this was a book that I devoured, and I’m still left wanting more.


I absolutely adored it! This had me SMILING from start to finish, with a premise that felt like it was tailor-made for me, and a relationship so compelling that I was hooked from the first interaction. I loved the meet cute, and I loved every chaotic minute that followed – every moment that drew these opposites together. Hart does SUCH a great job of building up the chemistry, delivering the forced proximity, and slowly shifting the relationship from strangers to travel companions to love. It’s tough to make a relationship with such a short timeline work, and this did not have any problems in that area. I fell in love with Luke and Cassidy as they were falling into each other, and I was completely immersed in the story. It had me laughing, grinning, and swooning in equal measure, with a storyline so unpredictable that it kept me on my toes. And the slow burn pays off in a big way, with some VERY spicy moments by the end. I devoured the whole thing in one sitting, and my only regret is that it was over so quickly.

The story follows Cassidy, a woman who needs to get home for her sister’s wedding. So when a handsome stranger steals her parking spot, makes her miss her shuttle, and then shows up on the same airplane… well, Cassidy isn’t amused. And things just go downhill from there. Somehow, Cassidy finds herself agreeing to drive across the country with the infuriating stranger, even though they can’t be in the same room without arguing. But as the road trip from you-know-where gets worse and worse, Cassidy and Luke lean on each other in a way neither could’ve anticipated. Suddenly, being stuck with Luke doesn’t feel so terrible, and Cassidy isn’t sure what to do with that information.

After loving Talk Flirty to Me, I was eagerly anticipating whatever Hart wrote next. And when I discovered that it was a strangers to lovers road trip romance with enemies(ish) to lovers vibes, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I LOVE it when couples have unique meet cutes and start the story as total strangers, which is exactly how this plays out. I also loved the opposites attract vibes, pairing the sunshiney, talkative Cassidy with the reserved and semi-grump that is Luke. They were fantastic together, and I loved the slow unraveling of their personalities. When you spend every single minute with another person for a length of time, you learn about them very quickly. The forced proximity and constant presence was my favorite part; these two spend almost the entire book together, and every interaction brings them a little closer. There were some seriously unexpected moments that had me laughing, as well as plenty of banter and sexual tension. These two complemented each other SO well, and I loved the person Luke revealed himself to be. Once he let down his guard and finally gave in, not only was the book HOT, but it was also super swoony. So this was just an exceptionally fun ride from start to finish, and it was all too easy to binge. I loved it!


This caught me on the right day, in the right mood, and I was woefully unprepared for how FANTASTIC it was going to be. I’ve been meaning to check out this new-to-me author, and this seemed like the perfect place to jump in. It’s a spinoff from a series, the start of something new, and the community aspect was pretty stellar. But the incredibly swoonworthy, soft, and strong hero steals the show here – he’s a man who has been slowly courting his girl for the last three years, steadfast and determined to finally make it out of the friend zone. It only takes one trip to her neighborhood to change everything, and I loved how he embraced every moment. It’s not often that I read about a guy who is SO genuinely good; patient, loving, and out to prove that he is worthy of trust. There are tons of heartfelt family moments that made my chest squeeze with emotion, as well as a resilient heroine and a friends to lovers romance that’s tender, angsty, swoony, and HOT all at once. It’s the kind of read that kept me on my toes, and it felt wholly unique. And wholly engaging. I devoured it in one sitting, and I am eager for more love stories revolving around this tight-knit community – I loved it!

The story follows Penny (42), a single mom of three whose life is overwhelming. Every day is a marathon of cleaning up other people’s messes, and she’s exhausted just trying to make it by. But every Wednesday she has a cup of coffee with Dillon (39), a co-worker who has become a friend. And while Dillon has made his interest clear on several occasions, Penny hasn’t been able to seriously entertain the idea. Dillon has no concept of just how chaotic her life is, and Penny is confident that he would be out the door as soon as he saw her everyday reality. Even a great guy like Dillon has his limits, so Penny has no intention of dragging him into her life… no matter how much she might like to. But when Dillon gives one of Penny’s kids a ride home and ends up stranded there until the snow clears, he sees the chaos in all of its glory. And he doesn’t run.

I love a broody, grumpy hero as much as the next girl, but sometimes it’s exceedingly refreshing to read about a GOOD guy. A warm, friendly, lovable, and endearing man who discovers that he has a protective streak only once he’s found his family. Dillon does everything he can to be a great role model to Penny’s kids, since he knows they haven’t had a lot of that in their lives. The story tackles some heavy topics like an abusive, alcoholic father, and does it in a way that is so mature and uplifting. I had butterflies from all of the sweet, tender moments, but there’s also a spicy, intimate love story at the heart of this as well. There are some fan-worthy moments of heat and sexual tension, and I loved that both characters felt real and authentic. Dillon might’ve been an absolute unicorn of a book boyfriend, but he has his own reasons for being drawn in by Penny’s family. The fact that Dillon knew he needed to work for the privilege of being a part of Penny’s family was pretty phenomenal, honestly. He cherished the opportunity, and didn’t waste it. I loved the found family aspect. This was a richer, more multi-faceted read than I could’ve anticipated, and I truly did love the whole thing.


With angst so heavy that it’s physically painful, this second chance romance is not an easy read – but it’s certainly an impactful one. I loved it. It’s very rare that I’m so engrossed in a book that I ache right along with the characters; that I cry when a broken hero utters a single sentence. But that’s exactly what happened with this one. The more I read, the more I was caught up in the story. And the more I hurt for this (former) couple. There is so much love between them that it jumps off the page, and I was anxious and impatient for them to find their way back together. Alternating between past and present, Henry masterfully weaves the story of this couple – punctuating the angst with callbacks that make an impact. I was entirely consumed with the story, and I couldn’t devour it fast enough.

The story follows Harriet, a woman who is joining her oldest friends on a vacation. Harriet knows that the trip is going to be an awkward one, because she still hasn’t worked up the courage to tell her friends that her fiancé ended their relationship months ago. So the last person Harriet expects to see when she arrives is Wyn, former college sweetheart and the man who still holds her heart. Turns out, the trip is more important to their friends than Harriet realized, and there’s no way that she can break the news now. Forced to play the role of happy couple, Harriet and Wyn face each other for the first time since their breakup… and they’re not sure what to think. Though Harriet and Wyn once felt like they knew everything about each other, it’s clear that some things have been left unsaid between them.

Harriet’s reality feels so bleak and desolate that she literally needs to go to her mental happy place to escape it – the moments where she’s felt loved and at peace. Many of which were spent with Wyn. Shifting between past and present, we see the moments where their relationship shone brightest, juxtaposed with the overwhelming weight of their current situation. So it’s light, banter-filled, and brimming with chemistry one moment and exceedingly angsty the next. It’s designed for maximum emotional impact, and it does the job well. There is SO MUCH tension between these two, so many things that they’ve failed to share with each other. We only get Harriet’s perspective, so I analyzed every interaction with Wyn to see the missing pieces to the puzzle. There’s definitely some miscommunication between them, and finding their way back together is anything but easy. I became more invested in the relationship with every page, and the excruciatingly slow burn was nothing short of torturous. So it’s definitely not an easy breezy vacation read, and there’s so much bubbling between the surface. I binged it in one sitting, and it’s easily my favorite from Henry so far.


Now that’s what I call a HOT slow burn! This was delicious, every minute of it. After loving Wilde’s debut, I was so excited to check out the followup, featuring a couple we were teased about in the series starter. While I’ve read (and loved) plenty of playboy-tamed romances in the past, I’ve never read a book about two players who meet their match in each other. The way they understood each other made this feel so rich, and the cat-and-mouse game ratcheted the sexual tension up to new levels. Just like in The Sixty/Forty Rule, there are some scenes that will have me fanning myself while thinking about them months later. And I’m not complaining one bit. This was light and playful one minute, serious and sizzling the next, with just enough heartache to keep things interesting. It also shows that Wilde isn’t a one-hit wonder, so I cannot wait to see what she writes next.

The story follows Finn and Jenna, two people who are not interested in relationships. Their friends tried to set them up a year ago, but their first attempt at a hookup did not go as planned. A year later, they’ve both been thinking about that failed hookup more than they should, and Jenna is convinced that they need to finally hit the sheets so she can move on. Except, once Finn comes face-to-face with Jenna again, he realizes that a hookup with her would be anything but. Desperately trying to keep things platonic, Finn suggests that Jenna stay with him while she’s in town… and Finn is not sure what he was thinking. Spending time with a woman who wants nothing more than to hook up with him – while he is trying to avoid that at all costs – is not a recipe for success, and it certainly creates some unwelcome tension with his new roommate. But as the two get to know each other better, it just becomes more difficult to stay away.

We met both Finn and Jenna in The Sixty/Forty Rule, which is not required reading by any means, but does provide some insight into both characters. It’s also equally excellent, so not sure why you’d skip it, lol. So I was already emotionally invested in this relationship before it even got started, and I loved the way it progressed. Finn is such an upbeat, golden retriever of a man, and I loved digging a little deeper into his backstory. Jenna is also a complex character who hides behind her pink hair and brazen personality, so they’re both more than they seem on the surface. Having them understand that about each other added another layer of depth to the story, and made this more interesting from the start. I also adored that they got to know each other on a deeper level before jumping in, though this is definitely not a traditional slow burn. It is SCORCHING hot during several scenes, and that tension made it even more devourable. And devour I did.


This was an unexpected delight! I really wasn’t sure what I was getting into with this debut, but I was willing to give it a try – and I’m so glad that I did. Quiet and heartfelt, this strangers to friends to lovers age gap romance is a stellar slow burn. I loved how Cal and Grace grew their relationship on a foundation of trust and respect, bonding as friends before they explored the possibility of more. I also adored what a sweetheart Cal is – he’s a big, tattooed softie who loves his little sister and falls for his girl quickly, which was so great to read. He is SO gone for his girl, and I loved patience and loyalty. I even liked that they took their time getting together – it made sense for the story, and it was even more impactful when they finally crossed that line. So this was tender, heartwarming, and swoony in the best of ways, with an engaging storyline and endearing, complex characters. A definite win – I loved it.

The story follows Grace (22), a woman in her last year of college. She was sexually assaulted four years ago, and has been slowly piecing herself back together in the time since. So when Grace decides to get a tattoo in honor of her recovery, the last thing she expects is to meet a guy. Cal (30) is covered in tattoos and a giant compared to her, so she probably should find him intimidating. But Cal soon reveals himself to be a kind and gentle man, and the connection Grace feels towards him allows them to form a friendship. Neither of them expects anything more to come out of the relationship, but Grace and Cal form the kind of bond that doesn’t come around often. As the two navigate the changes in their relationship, their friendship slowly simmers into something more.

First and foremost, this is a love story, but it’s also a great book about overcoming obstacles. Grace has come to terms with the fact that her recovery won’t happen in an instant, but she now feels ready to move forward. Cal has family issues that have shaped his experiences as well, which means they both come into the friendship with some inner conflicts. I loved watching them lift each other up and offer nothing but love and patience, which was navigated deftly by this debut author. I’ll admit to being a little hesitant about the age gap (since Grace is still in college), but she is so mature that it really wasn’t an issue. And these two truly do start as friends, which made it a lot more palatable. It was easy to see Cal falling hard and fast, but he took his time before moving forward. As much as I loved Grace, it’s Cal who steals the show here. He is SUCH a great guy, and his love for Grace leapt off the page. He’s this gentle giant with an intensity that comes out at the perfect moments, and I loved the combination of the gruff possessiveness paired with the understanding tenderness. That made for a truly memorable read – one that will stay with me for awhile.


It’s always an amazing feeling when one of my highly anticipated reads meets my very high expectations, but to have it far surpass them? SPECTACULAR. After reading and loving Mile High, I was really nervous going into this, sort of a strange mix of excitement and dread that it wouldn’t be able to live up to my love of the first book in the series. And that just wasn’t the case at all – this pulled me in from the first few pages, and it EASILY held my attention for the 500 that followed. Which, yeah, is not the easiest feat. I’ve come to love (certain) beefy romances over the last year or so, because they really feel so immersive and so much deeper than the quick and sexy romances I also enjoy bingeing. This had such a slow, DELICIOUS burn, and I loved watching both of the leads work through their issues and get themselves into a place where they were able to let love into their lives again. These reluctant roommates turned lovers stole my heart in a big way – particularly the SWEETHEART of a hero, who was just absolutely swoony by the end. Like, hand pressed to my heart in giddy happiness kind of swoons. So you know I loved this so, so much.

The story follows Ryan, a basketball star who has kept up a squeaky clean image throughout his career. He’s all business on the court and off, leaving room for nothing else in his life except the game. So when his twin sister – also known as his one weakness – asks Ryan to let her best friend crash with him after a bad breakup, he begrudgingly agrees. Ryan has only met Indy twice, and both times she made memorable, terrible impressions on him as an emotional hot mess. Indy isn’t all that enthusiastic about moving in with Ryan either, but she’s trying to build up her savings and emotionally recover from the end of a relationship she thought would last forever. As the two get to know each other better, they realize that they have more in common than either would’ve expected, and Ryan is forced to acknowledge that Indy is the kind of girl he could fall for… if only he was able to fully trust her motivations.

I know beefy books aren’t for everyone, but when they work, they REALLY work. And this was one of those situations. I was completely hooked on this couple, and there was never a point where the book dragged for me. I wanted every bit of it, and I savored it for days. We get the great sexual tension of them trying to live together and figure each other out, the angst of trying to stay away, the yearning of wanting to get past their fears, and finally the sweetness of getting things right. Along the way, we see Ryan grow and change (as well as Indy), and I ADORED the man he revealed himself to be. SUCH a great hero, such a sweet, devoted man – and such a possessive caveman once he acknowledges his desires. They both have emotional baggage from past experiences, and I loved how they were able to work through them together. Their quiet, steady love was just all-around fantastic, and even the conflicts ended up making them stronger. Did I mention that the book is super sexy as well? A slow burn to SIZZLE if there ever was one. So this ended up far exceeding my very high expectations, and cemented itself as one of the best romances I’ve read in quite awhile.


What a gorgeous love story! This is EASILY my favorite of Clayborn’s romances (so far), and the bar was already pretty high. I loved the instant zap of connection I felt towards these characters, from those awkward first encounters to the subtle shifts in their relationship. I loved this grumpy hero – a man who shows his prickly exterior to hide the soft spots he’s got inside. Every time he revealed another layer of himself, I adored him even more. Yeah, he stumbled along the way, but learned from his mistakes and got up to try again. And I loved, loved, loved how these two total opposites find their way together in a way that felt rich and deep. There’s small town goodness, emotional moments, and such a great progression from near-strangers to tentative roommates to lovers. The steamy moments were so intimate and electric, and the introspective tone of the whole story was both fulfilling and unique.

The story follows Georgie, a woman who can only think about the present – and her present situation is a hot mess. She’s never seemed to do things like everyone else, and that has left her jobless, single, and back home (hopefully) temporarily, crashing at her parents’ place while they’re away. But when Georgie discovers that her flaky parents have accidentally double-booked their home, she finds herself with a roommate. Georgie never met Levi, but she knows him by reputation – he was always known as the troublemaking brother to her teenage crush. Now a broody and reserved man, Levi is the complete opposite of Georgie’s chaos. Spending time together reinforces the fact that they both need to make some changes in their lives, but spending time together also brings them closer. As these two work through their internal struggles, they realize that they might just have been perfect for each other all along.

I avoided looking up details and decided to dive right in, because Clayborn’s one-of-a-kind love stories have never steered me wrong. She has a way of writing that feels so all-encompassing and different; vibrant and distinct in a way that I haven’t experienced from anyone else. And the streak continues with Georgie, which is a small town/roommates romance on its surface, but something all-together different in the details. The vibe is so unique, with that introspective quality and a softer, quieter feel. Plus, both characters are complex and interesting, with backstories that felt authentic and raw. I loved peeling back their layers – especially Levi, let’s be honest – and I loved how they came together as works in progress still figuring themselves out. There are some truly SWOONY moments in here, some moments of extreme connection, and it ended up being such an engrossing read. Those final chapters had me smiling like crazy, and that’s how I know a book really made an impact. I loved it!


Spiciest traditionally published romance I’ve read? Uh, yeah, I think so! I loved that this relationship did not follow the “usual” path, and that it was the hero who was in need of some lessons in the bedroom. I love an alpha hero as much as the next girl, but there’s something so compelling about a cinnamon roll hero who acknowledges when there’s room for improvement – and takes the opportunity to learn how to please his girl. Add in tons of forced proximity via a road trip romance, a strong and confident heroine, and a blushing, nerdy heartthrob, and this made for a great read. It was super spicy, feel good, and playful in the best of ways, and I had no trouble bingeing it in one sitting. I loved it!

The story follows Chandler, a woman whose career isn’t working out the way she hoped. Though she’d love to write her own books, she’s instead been working as a ghostwriter behind the scenes. When she’s offered a new assignment, it sounds like a great fit – with one exception. Chandler’s newest client is none other than the man she had a truly terrible hookup with… and Finn has no idea that he was such a disappointment in the bedroom that she snuck out in the middle of the night rather than face him again. But the job is too good to pass up, and traveling the country with the guy doesn’t sound too awful. And when Finn discovers that his performance was lackluster (at best, lol), Chandler surprises herself by suggesting that they practice until he gets it right.

I’ve enjoyed both of Solomon’s previous books, but this one grabbed my attention much faster. Chandler makes a great heroine (we only get her perspective), and the chemistry between them was apparent from the start. I’ve read plenty of “love lessons” romances in the past, but I’ve never seen one take this spin on things – that Finn’s performance was so cringeworthy that Chandler felt the need to flee the scene. Their practice sessions made for many, many spicy moments, with a level of heat that surprised me. I loved how open and honest they were once they started communicating their needs in the bedroom, which built a solid foundation to their budding relationship. They were able to express what they wanted, and that was really refreshing. It also means that Finn crafted his new skills with Chandler in mind… and he was an eager, quick study. But it wasn’t all about the spice, with plenty of deeper components to this relationship. I also really enjoyed that Finn was everyone’s favorite nerd, and the road trip element was pretty great as well. All in all, it just felt like the kind of romance I’d never read before, with compelling characters and a rich, multifaceted storyline. I was hooked the whole way through.


With a delicious slow burn and feuding that’s really foreplay, I loved the BITE of this rivals to lovers romance. These two have tension from the moment they meet, and it was immensely compelling to watch their bickering slowly simmer into banter, which fueled the passionate dynamic of their relationship. I also loved that it felt fresh and different, with a heroine who is tough as nails until she feels safe enough to let down her guard. And I loved that the hero could see right through her, understanding her in a way that few other people do. It’s the ultimate black cat romance, though this hero is definitely no golden retriever. He may secretly love that she’s a handful, but he gives as good as he gets – and I adored that. Together, they have the kind of chemistry that leaps off the page, and that made it so easy to binge this in one sitting. It kept me on my toes and made me smile and swoon in equal measure, which is why this was an EASY 5-star rating for me. I loved it!

The story follows Layla, a musician with the potential to be a big success. Right now, she’s steadily booking smaller jobs in the hours she’s available, but helping out her best friend means she’s got some restrictions on her time. So when a bigger name comes in and steals her most reliable gig, Layla is instantly annoyed. And every interaction she has with Adrian just makes her want to wipe the smile off his face even more. The two certainly do not start off their relationship on the right foot, but it’s not long before Layla is grudgingly agreeing to team up with him for some performances. The two can’t be in the same room together for five minutes without bickering, but Layla can’t help feeling like some of that tension might be of the sexual variety – at least on her end. Adrian clearly just hates her. But their heated interactions sometimes feel like something else entirely, and Layla isn’t sure what to do about that.

Told exclusively from Layla’s POV, we’re left to decipher Adrian’s actions and feelings without input from him. I loved that. Layla is so focused on their mutual hate that she is either unwilling or unable to see the shift in the dynamic, but I absolutely ADORED Adrian, and his feelings were obvious to me. I loved trying to analyze every interaction for its deeper context, and watching the subtle changes was so much fun. As much as I loved Meet Me Halfway, this was SO different and yet equally entertaining. The series is tied together by the characters (but easy to read as standalones), but this has a significant tonal shift. It also focuses on Layla and her unique struggles, which don’t become apparent until we get to know her better. I loved that Adrian figured her out so quickly and could see behind her (very high) walls. She’s the kind of heroine that not every reader is going to love, but I liked her more and more as the book progressed. Same with Adrian, honestly. The more I figured him out, the more I loved him. And the more I thought he made the perfect match for Layla. They don’t have – and never will have – a soft, tender love, but it’s one that is just as deep. And that slow burn? Whoa boy, I was so, SO invested when they finally gave in. This is the kind of book that hooked me from the start but gets even better as it progresses, and I loved it a lot.


I was in such a book hangover this week, it felt like nothing was going to pull me out of it – until I got 5 minutes into this twisty, suspenseful ride. The blurb really doesn’t do it justice; there’s a whole lot going on in this dark and delicious romance. I absolutely LOVED the transformation in the characters and their journey from start to finish, and looking back it’s easy to see the ways this new-to-me author was setting up the dominos. I knew very little about the story going in, and that kept me on my toes the whole way through. I truly had no idea where the story was going to take me, but I had a great time with these characters. They’re multi-faceted and layered, with a romance that’s complex, angsty, and definitely a little messy. It takes some familiar tropes from mafia romance and spins them on their axis for an entirely new experience. It’s also a true romantic suspense with a subplot that I was actually invested in, so that made for a sleepless night as I stayed up bingeing this addictive read. I loved it!

The story follows Landyn (23), a woman whose father has promised her to the cartel. While Landyn has never been involved in that side of his life, she’s aware that her dad isn’t the best guy – but she never expected him to sell her out like this. Forced into a marriage she definitely doesn’t want, Landyn is shocked when her fiancé is shot at the altar… and things just get crazier from there. Suddenly, Landyn is married to another stranger, and this one is even more complicated than the last. He’s warm one minute and cold the next, and it’s giving Landyn whiplash. Because there might just be a nice guy underneath the cool facade, and she’s not sure what to do with that. As the two navigate the complexities of their new marriage and try to figure each other out, they development a connection that neither expected… and that might just be the death of them both.

So I’m going to mention a major element that’s not in the blurb, but we find out almost immediately – Landyn’s new husband is an undercover agent. He’s a good guy masquerading as a bad one, and his only chance of survival is keeping up the ruse. That means falling for his new wife is out of the question, and it adds a VERY interesting layer of tension to the story. I’ve never read one quite like this. Landyn finds herself softening towards the man she thinks he is, but she doesn’t have the full story, and that’s sure to cause some problems along the way. I really loved that it constantly surprised me, and Asher does a fantastic job of playing with tropes and making them her own. It’s darker and significantly more suspenseful than anticipated (LOTS of triggers in this one), but that also made it a more dynamic read. Every time I thought the romance was developing too quickly or the story was veering in the wrong direction, Asher proved that she knew what she was doing. Her writing was a little rough at times, but the foundation of the story is wholly engaging. I loved going on this journey, and I had such a great time. And now my book hangover begins anew, lol!


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