Best of January 2024

My December and January reading has all blended together since I ran my Best of the Year list over the holidays, but I’ve had a very successful time! I did some exploring and tried out several new-to-me authors with great results, and I’ve also read a bunch of ARCs that release later this year. To be clear, if I post a sneak peek review, that book isn’t a contender until its release month – otherwise this list would look very different! I’ve read at least four ARCs this month that are serious contenders for my Best of 2024 list, and that’s a fantastic thing to say in January, lol. As for the four books that make up my Best of January, they were all seriously solid reads that will have me seeking out more books by the authors in the coming months – and that’s a great thing too.

My two favorites this month couldn’t be more different. Off the Beaten Path was soft and tender, while Toxic Love was super spicy and full of twisty tension. Both were excellent in their own ways, and the perfect introduction to these new-to-me authors.

I also loved P.S. You’re Intolerable, which got better and better with every page. I’ve enjoyed Wolf’s work in the past, and this one reminded me why. On the flip side, I was starting to think Pavlov’s writing wasn’t for me, but Loving Romeo proved me wrong. I’ll definitely be checking out more from both authors this year.

Since I posted my Best of 2023 list at the end of December, I never shared my top picks from that month. I’ve included them below! Hans made my Top 20 list, so obviously I loved it. But I also loved The Fake Mate and Off the Hook, which were both real contenders for that list as well. If I did a Top 25 list, both probably would’ve been on it, lol. In fact, Hans (which released on December 28th) absolutely kicked one of them out of my Top 20, but I’m not going to say which.

February is looking like an enticing release month, so I’m excited to dig into our first big month of the year. We’ll see what catches my eye!

If you missed my February Release Calendar, you can find it here – there are so many books to look forward to!

I’ve got my review for each of this month’s best books below – you can’t go wrong with any of these!


Caught up in the SWOONS, I had the biggest smile on my face when I turned the final page of this tender romance. I’ve been meaning to try this new-to-me author for a while now, and this was the perfect place to begin. It kicks off the start of something new, developing a great small town feel and community vibe. I kinda loved that these two have been neighbors for a few years, but they never really knew each other until an anonymous online interaction breaks down their walls in an unexpected way. There was no deception, no secrets, no messiness revolving around their online communication, which I loved. And I also loved the gruff, secretly sweet single dad at the heart of it, who has spent the last few years slowly mending the emotional damage done by his ex-wife. He’s had zero interest in women since she left, so this romance takes awhile to start building. It’s the kind of book that gets better with every page, pulling me in a little deeper with every intimate moment. I loved it!

The story follows Wren, a woman who lives next door to a grumpy single dad. While Wren knows Holden has his reasons for being so closed off, that doesn’t mean he’s not infuriating sometimes. Wren does everything she can to rile him up, but the man still never cracks a smile. So when Wren discovers that the man she’s developed an online friendship with is actually her neighbor, well… it changes everything between them. Those messages may have been platonic, but they also broke down some walls around Holden’s heart. Connected in a way that neither anticipated, Holden slowly comes to realize that if any woman is going to get past his defenses completely, it’ll be Wren. And that’s a shock to the system.

I’ve been waiting for the perfect tropes to try out this author, and I’m so glad I started here. Vulnerable, secretly sweet heroes get me every time, and I loved the neighbors element. Holden is also SUCH a great dad, and that kicked up the swoon factor to a whole other level. Sexy, tattooed, sweet with his daughter, and celibate? Yeah, that’s a compelling combination. It’s a quiet, feel good romance that dances around some heavier subjects without ever getting weighed down by them. The focus on the emotional connection was greatly appreciated. It’s a sexy book without any spice, and that worked for these characters. They had plenty of chemistry and connection even without the heat, and I actually liked the slower pace. Sometimes I just want to read a tender love story that will make me smile, and this absolutely accomplished that. It ended up being a very solid read, and I’m excited to read more love stories set in this small town.


Bonkers, totally bonkers – and that’s a compliment. I’m not even going to pretend that the story was anything other than ludicrous, but I had SO much fun reading it. I flew through the pages so fast that none of the outlandish plot points (or plot holes) tripped me up, and it was an unpredictable, tension-filled, SPICY ride from start to finish. A truly, deliciously entertaining read. I loved that I never quite knew where the story was going to go next, I loved the smokin’ hot chemistry between the characters, and I loved the uncertainty that came from knowing our heroine was literally dying. That makes her act in ways she typically wouldn’t, and it added a whole other level of complexity to the storyline. Have no fear though, as the blurb states – it all works out in the end (HEA included!), and it was such a sexy time getting there.

The story follows Tempest (24) a woman whose 18-year-old relative is being forced into a mafia-adjacent marriage to a man their family has messy history with. Dante (34) isn’t overly enthusiastic about the prospect either, but no one is interested in his side of the story. However, the last thing he expects is a last-minute change in brides. When Tempest steps in and cons her way into a marriage to Dante, it stirs up all sorts of trouble. They’re both determined to keep feelings out of the equation, but it’s impossible to deny the chemistry that sparks between them. Tempest stirs up something inside Dante, and that’s sure to be a problem… since a liver disease is likely to end her life within the next six months.

I love reading an over the top mafia romance once in a while to keep things interesting, and this certainly did that. I was immediately intrigued by the concept, but it was the sexual tension and mystery that kept me turning the pages. Dante and Tempest were absolute FIRE together, heating up the pages with the frequent spice. I’m not the biggest fan of Dante’s profession, but that’s personal preference and was handled well. It’s definitely the spiciest book I’ve read recently, mostly because of the intensity. These two walk a fine line, and it was interesting to see some of the concepts that were explored. Beyond the obvious – Tempest is dying – the story also contains several (major) dark, potentially triggering elements, especially relating to her past SA and the general “mafianess” of the book. Every time I thought it was going too far, Cole turned things around for me. It was actually a great introduction to this new-to-me author, even if I could tell that a few things were clearly written by a man in an lol kinda way. I could also pick apart several things about the storyline if I really wanted to, but I don’t. This delivered everything I wanted from it and more, and I’m excited to check out more from the author.



This was pretty adorable, with a slow-burning romance, a grumpy boss who shows his soft underbelly around a baby girl, plenty of heat, and so many swoony family moments. I loved that this couple’s journey to HEA was not the expected one, and it turned the grumpy boss/sunshine assistant trope on its axis. It’s by far my favorite from the series (easily read as a standalone), and my love for the story grew with every page. These two have a quieter build that catches fire somewhere along the way, with a great mix of swoon, spice, and emotion. It’s tender and gentle some moments and super sexy in others, which paired perfectly with the chemistry that slowly develops between these two. Easily one of my new favorites from Wolf, and an all-around enjoyable read.

The story follows Catherine, a woman who takes a job working as an executive assistant because she recently found out she’s pregnant and she needs the stable income. Though her boss is aloof and often grumpy, the two develop a detached routine over the course of several months… until Catherine’s pregnancy becomes obvious, and their dynamic makes a necessary shift. Though Elliot rarely looked at Catherine before realizing she was pregnant, he can’t look away now. She’s been the best assistant he’s ever had, and her absence in his daily routine is uncomfortable in ways he never expected. So when Elliot discovers that Catherine’s personal life is a hot mess, he can’t seem to stop himself from helping her pick up the pieces. As the two spend more time together outside of the office, they see sides of each other that they’d been hiding since the start.

This one had a slower start for me, not because I wasn’t enjoying it, but because a lot happens in a short amount of time. Quickly, we go from Catherine taking the job to her baby daddy (a friend she slept with once) abandoning her to the days leading up to her maternity leave. The romance doesn’t kick into high gear until the baby is born, and that’s when I really started connecting with these two. Elliot is SUPER cute with the baby, and I love that he jumped right in with her. He is such a goner for both of his girls, which meant there were some seriously swoony moments. I loved seeing the softer side of him, and that’s what stole the show here. He is this cold, “unfeeling” guy, so watching him be absolutely smitten was so much fun. The chemistry picks up speed somewhere along the way, and then these two were heating up the pages. It’s a feel good story in so many ways, and it won me over with ease.


Will I remember the plot in a month? Probably not. Did I have a great time reading it? Definitely. I binged this in a single day, easily getting wrapped up in the light and sweet story. Our hero is all bark, quickly losing his grumpy attitude once he realizes that there’s a special girl in front of him. The characters are younger than I anticipated (22ish), and that made the story feel sugary sweet, especially with how quickly they got together. There are some great opposites attract vibes and a solid small town feel. I’m intrigued by the cast of characters, though it works just fine as a standalone. It didn’t go at all how I was expecting, lol, but I’m not complaining. It makes for an excellent series starter and I couldn’t have asked for a swoonier story, so I’m happy to round up my rating.

The story follows Romeo, a former boxer who owns a boxing gym in his hometown. He didn’t have the easiest childhood, and the rich family in town made it exponentially worse. So when the pretty little rich girl opens up a business right next to Romeo’s, he’s not particularly neighborly. But as Romeo and Demi continue to bump into each other, Romeo soon realizes that Demi is nothing like the rest of her family – and she doesn’t seem to know about the damage they did to his life. As Romeo begins to train for one last boxing match, Demi surprises him with her support. Staying away soon becomes impossible, and the two grow closer by the day. But there’s a reason why Romeo hates Demi’s family, and that’s sure to complicate their relationship in a major way.

I was starting to think that Pavlov’s writing just wasn’t for me, but I decided to give it one more try – and I’m glad that I did. Romeo and Demi’s story was sweet and sexy, easy to get drawn into. It’s a classic bad boy/good girl pairing, though Romeo is a total softie once you get to know him. I was surprised by how quickly they went from tense interactions to love, but I didn’t mind it. The book is lighthearted and sexy, with a slowish physical burn and a fast emotional connection. Had there been more of a focus on the actual business of falling in love, the story would’ve made more of an impact on me. That’s my only major complaint. But when I’m complaining that I wanted more time spent with a couple, you know things are going well. It was the perfect palate cleanser and the ideal series starter, getting me excited about future couples without overwhelming me with too many characters. All in all, I liked it a lot, and that why it gets 5 stars from me.



This deliciously addictive romance takes the “boy obsessed” trope to a whole other level while wrapping up the series with a neat little bow – I loved it! We knew very little about either character before diving in, but it only took a few minutes to get a feel for the dynamic. It’s easy to see that both characters have been sneaking glances at the other for quite awhile now, and it just took a little push to shift their relationship in a very big way. Like the other books in the series, Hans is a walking red flag, but the kind who is incredibly endearing and kind of a sweetheart at the same time. It’s clear that he is absolutely obsessed with his girl (I think that’s a compliment, lol), and I loved the brightness that she brought to his otherwise-dark life. There’s spice and suspense and so much sexual tension, which cranks up the moment these two starting interacting face-to-face. It was everything I could want from a finale AND a standalone romance, and I cannot even tell you how quickly I flew through the pages.

The story follows Cassie, a woman who has lived across the street from a handsome stranger for the last year. She’s been trying to get closer to Hans ever since their brief introduction, but he’s dodged every attempt she’s made. Their only interactions have been exchanges of the baked goods Cassie makes for him all the time, and she’s close to giving up. But one very unexpected event changes the whole situation, and suddenly Hans is everywhere. He’s overwhelming Cassie’s senses and making it clear that he wants her, which is a shock to the system. The closer Cassie gets to Hans, the more she sees the dark side of him, but it’s easy to see that he’s a good man on the inside. Hans is a little bit broken, and finally having all of Cassie’s attention seems to bring something back to life in him – which may be the the end of them both.

I’ve been loving every installment of this series, and this was such a fitting conclusion. It’s got the same over-the-top, delicious vibes, while still feeling like its own thing. Hans might actually be the most obsessed of the antiheroes in this series, which is really saying something, lol. But I could not stop my love for him, which developed almost as quickly as his love for Cassandra. These two are absolute FIRE together, heating up the pages with their mutual attraction. I liked that Cassandra was such a sweetheart and a bright spot in Hans’ life, though she also clearly had a backbone and knew the trouble she was getting into. I loved watching Hans come alive again under Cassie’s care, and he really was a great guy underneath all of his grief and darkness. Be sure to check the CW on this one. The vibes are suspenseful, spicy and playful, with a ton of banter and humor mixed with all the darkness. I didn’t even mind the light “Daddy” vibes, because it seemed to fit the dynamic of these two. Also, there isn’t a major age gap (30/39), so that was a factor too. All in all, this was a powerhouse of a finale, and such a wild ride. I was lucky enough to receive an early copy, and am voluntarily leaving a review of this extra-spicy romance.


Am I… am I into paranormal romance again? This delightfully different, deliciously spicy love story has me questioning everything. I devoured it in one sitting, stayed up WAY too late reading, and am left with the desire to read more of its kind. It’s been years since True Blood and Twilight and all the paranormal things that oversaturated the market back in the day, and it seems like I might finally be able to sit down and enjoy something involving shifters again. I only checked this one out because of that fantastic cover and my sincere enjoyment of The Nanny, but it took no time at all to realize I was going to love this. It’s like a contemporary grumpy/sunshine, fake dating romance with a twist. The biggest difference is that our leads are both wolf shifters, so faking a relationship comes with some unintended consequences. I loved that the characters were the kind of opposites who complemented each other perfectly, I loved their chemistry in and out of the bedroom (and there’s a whole lot of time spent in the bedroom!), I loved that I never quite knew where the story was going to go next. It felt familiar and fresh at the same time, and I just absolutely ate it up.

The story follows Mackenzie and Noah, two doctors who work at the same hospital but have never spent any time together. Noah has a reputation for being a scary grump, while Mackenzie is friends with everyone she meets. When Mackenzie discovers that Noah’s job is on the line because he never disclosed that he’s an alpha shifter without a mate (and they have a reputation that precedes them), she realizes that faking a relationship might benefit her as well. Shortly after, the two make their new “relationship” work-official, and Noah goes off the suppressants that have been minimizing his alpha hormones, as someone would if they were happily mated. It doesn’t take long before things start changing between them, as Noah reveals a side of himself that he’s been hiding from everyone and their hormones start wreaking havoc on their systems. And when the two start adding some sexual benefits to their previously platonic relationship, things quickly start spiraling out of control.

I’m a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine, fake dating relationship any day of the week, but it’s always fun when there’s a new spin on the familiar trope. This is exactly that – Noah and Mackenzie start playing with danger the moment they start spending time together, and heating things up in the bedroom makes things even messier. There’s a TON of spicy moments, most of which advance the relationship in some kind of way. I loved that they were so intimate and revealing, in addition to simply being pretty sexy. Noah is such a sweetheart once he shows his softer side, but he’s also insanely protective and smitten with Mackenzie after those hormones flood his system. It was fun watching the alpha side of him come out to play, and Mackenzie really was a great partner for him. The paranormal element is front and center throughout the story, yet it was easily understandable even to those who are new to the genre. Their gossiping co-workers explain anything the reader might need to know, lol, and the overall tone is both sexy and playful. It was just exceedingly entertaining, and so incredibly easy to binge. I loved it!


This was such a SWOONY little treat! After loving Olivia’s previous series, I was excited to dive into the start of something brand new. It’s clear that the series is going to have some stellar small town/found family vibes, paired with a variety of off-limits relationships – starting with this first one. Falling for your brother’s ex-fiancée is never a great idea, but it was easy to see all of the ways this couple was perfect for each other. The sunshine heroine brought out a lighter side of the grumpy, grieving hero, and everything between them felt so natural. I loved that their romance was a quieter one, and that they were truly getting to know each other for the first time. Though their history is a messy one, I really appreciated how it was handled. It was obvious that Wendy’s ex simply wasn’t the right fit, and there were no feelings between these two until the dynamic changed. I got wrapped up in the story with no trouble at all, and then I devoured it quickly. I loved it!

The story is loosely based on Peter Pan, but I found it distracting to look for all of the connections, so it was easier to enjoy it for exactly what it was. Essentially, the story follows Wendy, a sweet teacher from a small town whose ex-fiancé’s family took her in as one of their own. Though Wendy and Peter ended their engagement a few years ago (he was always looking for the next adventure), the two have remained friendly. So when Peter’s broody older brother, Jasper, is looking for a nanny for the summer, the family suggests Wendy fill the role. Wendy doesn’t know a whole lot about Jasper – he’s not an easy guy to get to know – but she’s aware that he’s trying to do his best as the guardian of a little boy, and he’s clearly overwhelmed. As the two spend time together, it’s obvious that they have a connection. Neither wants to cross lines that will tear their family apart, but staying away is easier said than done.

Some readers are wholeheartedly against brother swap romances, and I get that – but they can be pretty great sometimes, lol. In this case, Peter still had a lot of growing up to do, and I loved that Wendy knew she needed someone who would make her a priority. Jasper was up to that task right away, getting to know Wendy on a deeper level and understanding what was important to her. I loved the way she seamlessly fit into his little family unit, and the love between them progressed in the most effortless way. I’ve said before that forbidden relationships are often the strongest ones because they need to be worth the struggle, and that’s definitely the case here as well – I never questioned that Jasper and Wendy were a perfect fit. It’s a slowish burn with some moments of serious spice, and I adored how strong the emotional connection was. Jasper became a guardian when his best friends passed away, so he’s doing the best for his new son but is still grappling with his own grief. There are some adorable family moments that upped the swoon-factor, as well as so many sexy ones and that underlying level of angst. It’s a nuanced love story that has me very excited for more from the series, and it was definitely an enjoyable read.


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