SERIES REVIEW: Queens and Monsters by J.T. Geissinger

Ruthless Creatures, Carnal Urges, Savage Hearts and Brutal Vows

This series was recently re-released from a traditional publisher, so it’s the perfect time to check it out if you haven’t yet. ALL four books were contenders for my Best of the Year list when they originally came out, and multiple earned that honor. If you love high spice mafia romance with tons of banter, then this is the series for you. Anyone who recently read SJ Tilly’s Alliance series and wants something with a similar feel will be particularly excited for these. I don’t love the new covers, but that’s just me – the series is playful, fast-paced, and full of sexual tension.

Read on for my original reviews of all four books!

🎧 Audio lovers – The audiobooks are fantastic. Most are duet-style or full cast narration, and they get better with each book.

BOOK ONE: Ruthless Creatures ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This antihero? Holy wowza, he is overwhelmingly INTENSE in the best of ways. An undomesticated alpha with a raw intensity that will keep you turning the pages, this antihero is loyal, lovable, and completely unforgettable. Every scene this couple is in together is SCORCHING, even when they’re fully dressed. The author was not lying when she said that this book is her hottest and dirtiest yet. I’ve read sixteen of her books now, so the level of steam doesn’t usually surprise me, but WOW, this couple has the kind of chemistry that cannot be ignored. I personally would’ve liked the steam to be taken down a notch or two, but the style fit perfectly with this particular couple, there’s no denying that. If you’re looking for an intensely sexy ride that will pull you in and hold your attention all the way through, this will definitely deliver.

The story follows Natalie, a woman whose life ended when her fiancé disappeared the day before their wedding five years ago. She’s been adrift ever since – celibate, depressed, and often suicidal. Then Kage enters her life. He’s mysterious, fiercely sexy, and incredibly scary, because he just reeks of bad news. But the chemistry between them is undeniable, and Kage has zero problem stating his intentions: he wants her. Natalie is confident that spending time with Kage is a terrible, terrible idea, but he’s brought her back to life in a way that she did not think was possible, and that’s got to count for something.

There are some incredible moments in this book that just took my breath away. I loved Kage from the start, and I never ever questioned his desire for Natalie. He’s not a good man – he’ll openly admit that – but I loved the vulnerability that laid beneath his rough exterior. Those tender moments are what made the book for me, even when it was the intensity that pulled me in. I didn’t always love the particular brand of steam in this one, but this is a truly unique couple, and the dynamics were absolutely fascinating. I loved the progression – how we see Natalie bloom and come alive again; how we see Kage turn from monster back into man. And I loved the dark humor that’s present throughout. There were small things along the way that bugged me, but nothing that took away from this pulse-pounding love story. It’s an intense, addictive ride – not light, easy, or tame, but wholly captivating.



An explosive new novel of love, lust, and obsession from bestselling author J.T. Geissinger.

Five years ago, my fiancé disappeared. He left me with a wedding dress I’d never wear. Left me with the kind of scars that can’t be healed. The man I built my future on vanished like a ghost. All that remained was my broken heart and a million unanswered questions.

Until a mysterious stranger arrives in town. 

Tall, dark, and dangerous, Kage is as full of secrets as he is sex appeal. Though I know he’s hiding something, I’m drawn to him like a moth to flame.

The intensity of our connection is addictive, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Heat crackles between us with every look, desire flares into passion, and I fall hard, helpless to resist.

But when I discover how he’s tied to my fiancé’s disappearance, I learn what happens when you fly recklessly into fire:

You get burned.


BOOK TWO: Carnal Urges ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

What a WILD ride! Geissinger’s books are always addictive, and her mafia romances have been particularly compelling – with this being no exception. These two were FIRE together, and I was absolutely hooked from start to finish. I’ll openly admit that I had a little more trouble than usual getting behind this particular couple, not because they don’t have exquisite banter and sizzling chemistry (they definitely DO!), but because the brand of steam in this one just isn’t my flavor (we’ll talk about that in a minute). But that is really my only complaint. The rest of this was so completely engrossing, I was perfectly fine with skimming through a couple of scenes that weren’t my cup of tea. I binged this in one sitting, and stayed up way too late reading. And the audio? Well worth the wait.

Yes, this will technically read as a standalone. Do I recommend that? No, because the other books are fantastic. They’re also somewhat interconnected, and I can’t say how well this would read out of order. This story follows Declan and Sloane, two people brought together by… unusual circumstances. Declan has taken Sloane captive on the order of his mafia boss, and now they’re stuck together – and neither one is excited about it. Declan is a broody and moody, coldblooded killer, and Sloane is a fierce and feisty, resilient woman. She probably should be afraid of the man (okay, she definitely should be), but Sloane refuses to cower. Her bubbly energy and upbeat attitude throw Declan off-kilter, and it’s not long before she’s getting under his skin. But Declan is a man who is always in control, and he’ll have it one way or another.

So, let’s get the part that I didn’t like out of the way – the steam. Geissinger’s books are ALWAYS smoking hot and the scenes aren’t typically vanilla, but this story has a more pronounced submission aspect. There’s a lot of “sir” and “master” talk, with one mildly disturbing steamy scene involving a tampon that I could not for the life of me find sexy. But, hey, different strokes for different folks, right? There were probably only about 25 pages in the whole book that weren’t for me, and the rest was outstanding. It’s definitely got an instalove feel, but it worked here since the chemistry is very, very obvious. I LOVED all of the banter, and there is such a playful feel to this otherwise dark (and potentially triggering) romance. Declan makes a great antihero, with a stern exterior and a secret marshmallow heart; the opposites attract vibe really worked for these two. This hits the ground running from the first page, and it kept me hooked from start to finish. And you can bet that I’m extremely impatient for the next couple in this series.



Carnal (adjective):
1) Relating to the pleasures of the body
2) Given to sensual indulgence
3) The man who kidnapped me

The devil has blue eyes, an Irish accent, and a hatred for me that runs deep.

He blames me for starting a war. Consorting with his enemies. Getting his men killed. Though I’m innocent on all charges, he wants his pound of flesh. With an eye on revenge, he makes me his captive.

But as we’ll both soon discover, there are more powerful urges than that for revenge.

When the devil meets his match but she’s his sworn enemy, that’s when the real war begins.

Author’s Note: Readers requiring trigger warnings about any kind of naughty things two consenting adults might do to each other in bed (and out of it) should not read this book.


BOOK THREE: Savage Hearts ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Top 20 of 2021 Selection

There’s a reason why I’ve been one-clicking J.T.’s books without hesitation for years, and she just keeps getting better and better. I never know where the story will lead, but I’m always eager to hang on for the ride. This series has been blazing hot and immensely compelling, so this had a lot to live up to – and it exceeded all expectations. It might’ve even surpassed the other two books in the series. Going in, we knew absolutely nothing about either main character, and that made this an epically unpredictable adventure. I had zero idea what I was getting into, and that meant it was a fun, immersive read. This one plays up the dark humor, the banter, and the seriously smokin’ chemistry. I laughed out loud as often as I fanned myself over the steam. I LOVED this couple together, and the first half just flew by for me. Things get heavier and tenser as the story progresses, and the intimacy escalates along the way. It’s the perfect addition to a stellar series, approaching the mafia trope from a different direction. I loved every minute of it.

The story follows Riley, a woman whose life is turned upside down when she discovers that her estranged sister is dating a mafia boss. While the sisters haven’t been close for years, Riley agrees to take a trip and meet Sloane’s new guy. She had no idea what she was getting into. It’s not long before Riley realizes that she’s in way over her head, and there’s a Giant Hot Dangerous Stranger following her every move. The man is fierce and intimidating, obviously up to no good, and yet… strangely appealing. There’s just something about him that calls to Riley, and he seems equally confounded by her. As the two continue their strange interactions, things take an unexpected turn.

Now, I’m not gonna spoil the book for you. I think most of us expected Diego to be the next antihero, but let me say that I was NOT disappointed by Malek. He is soooo not what I was expecting, and I loved seeing the different sides of him. While this feels very much a part of the same series, this particular story has a completely different feel than the others. It’s J.T. at her best, with some softer, subtler moments and an antihero who is obviously bad, but… not. These two are fantastic together, and I loved going in blind. I want to tell you all the things that I loved about Malek, but I also don’t want to give the story away, so I’ll tell you that he is a fascinating man and leave it at that. This book also makes the series as a whole richer and stronger; sure, it can technically be read as a standalone, but you don’t want to do that. It also opens up some interesting paths for future books in this world, and I. AM. READY. Buckle up, because this is a sexual tension-filled, unpredictable read.



Savage (adjective):
1) Not domesticated; wild and untamed
2) A brutal or vicious person
3) Malek Antonov

When my older sister calls out of the blue to announce she’s getting married, it’s a shock. She’s not the settling-down kind, and we haven’t spoken in almost three years.

Even more of a shock? Sloane wants me to visit her and meet her new fiancé. Curious, I decide to take her up on the offer.

I should’ve known something was wrong when she wouldn’t tell me where I’d be going. I should’ve known things were odd when she sent a private jet to pick me up. But there’s no way in hell I could’ve ever guessed what would happen when I finally meet her fiancé.

Declan O’Donnell.
Head of the Irish Mob.
Target of a savage Bratva assassin who wants revenge for the murder of his brother.

Now, I’m thousands of miles from home, I’m smack in the middle of a mafia war, and I’ve got a Russian assassin who’s decided he likes the looks of me.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold.
They never met Malek Antonov.


BOOK FOUR: Brutal Vows ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Top 20 of 2022 Selection

I was HOOKED from the very first page, and I devoured the whole book at an alarming rate – I loved it! There are times when you can tell that an author is having FUN with a story, and this is one of those instances. This couple is drawn together like magnets, and their chemistry lit up the pages. I loved the intensity of this sweetheart of a hero – he’s a jealous, possessive killer, but he’s also kind of a cinnamon roll who is starved for praise and affection. His fierce protectiveness and unwavering care easily melted my heart, and the steamy scenes had such great intimacy to them. The storyline is NOTHING like I expected, and I absolutely adored the unpredictable nature of it. This might be the most over the top installment of the series, but it was also the most addictive, and it had zero trouble holding my attention the whole way through. In fact, in trying to come up with one criticism for my review, I was going to say that it was too short… but it’s 400 pages, so I guess that’s just me being greedy.

If you want to go in blind, then stop here. Just know that it was excellent! This can be read as a standalone, but the series is definitely better together. Essentially, the story follows Spider, the sweet killer that we’ve come to know and love throughout the series. Still reeling from an ill-fated crush gone terribly wrong, Spider has closed off his heart. He agrees to an arranged marriage that will benefit his boss, knowing there’s no chance that he’ll fall for his 18-year-old bride. Except… Spider never factored in her stunning, viper of an aunt. What’s supposed to be an uncomplicated, unemotional transaction quickly turns into anything but, as Spider struggles with his attraction to a woman who is completely off-limits. Not only does Reyna have a reputation as a terrifying black widow, but Spider has also just agreed to a lifetime commitment to her niece.

I’m not sure how Geissinger manages to make such dark subject matter feel so light and playful, but she has mastered that skill throughout this series. There is an insane amount of chemistry sparking between Spider and Reyna, and that electric connection is the foundation of the book. I loved their forbidden interactions, I loved their intimate moments, and I loved the steam as well. It’s another HOT installment to the series, though each book has had its own vibe. Spider brings a softness that contrasts to Reyna’s rough edges, and the combination was perfection. I knew Spider was a softie, but I never expected the sweetness that he’d bring to this dark romance. He’s also super INTENSE, with an overwhelming presence that adds a special something to the story. I loved that Reyna is so resilient, strong, and such a great complement to Spider. Their instant connection turned into something deeper, and the journey was a very fun ride. I couldn’t get enough of these characters – it was deliciously addictive.



An Irish mobster with a brutal grudge.
An Italian mafia princess with a dark secret.
Two enemy empires joined in sacred marriage vows.
Let the hating games begin.


If this arrogant Irish mobster my brother sold my niece to thinks I’m going to play nice over this arranged marriage BS, he should think again.
I don’t care if this match with the Mob will make my brother capo of the Five Families.
I don’t care how much money, territory, or power it will gain us.
I especially don’t care that the Irishman is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.
I won’t allow my innocent niece to suffer the same way I did.
Even if I have to kill him.


I’m supposed to marry sweet, beautiful Lili. So why can’t I stop thinking about her swamp witch of an aunt?
Reyna who hates me. Reyna who challenges me. Reyna with the guts of a Viking, the body of a fertility goddess, and the attitude of a feral cat.
Nothing good can come of what I’m feeling for a woman who’s not the one in the wedding contract I signed.
A woman I want so much, I’ll have to burn the whole world down to get.
If she doesn’t kill me first.


About the Author:

J.T. Geissinger is a #1 international and Amazon Charts bestselling author of thirty-one novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense erotic thrillers, her books have sold over fifteen million copies worldwide and been translated into more than twenty languages.

She is a three-time finalist in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and the HOLT Medallion for Best Erotic Romance.

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