Well, I spent the vast majority of my week listening to Lauren Asher's newest and it was a 5-star read for me, so I suppose you could say I had a great reading week. Quality over quantity. It was the kind of slow burn that held my attention with ease, while feeling quiet and tender... Continue Reading →


A great week, that’s for sure! Three of these books were easy 5-star ratings for me, though I didn’t actually read them all this week. I read and loved my ARC of The Rom-Commers a few months ago, and I still smile when I think of the roommates to lovers vibes and emotional storyline. Solid... Continue Reading →


It's a two-week wrap-up! I wrapped up the month last Friday, so this wrap-up covers two weeks' worth of books. And it was a bit of a mixed bag! Downpour made my Best of May list as an honorable mention - it was very solid, and a great addition to the series. I loved the... Continue Reading →


Not gonna lie, I did not have a particularly successful May! Though I ended up with five books on my Best of the Month list, that's because I read two of them in prior months. For most of May, I struggled. Very hit or miss. Lots of DNFs, lots that simply didn't hold my interest.... Continue Reading →


This week, I read books by four authors whose work has made my Best of the Year list in the past, so it's no surprise that I had a very solid reading week! Tarah DeWitt's first traditionally published novel finally came out this week, and I'm excited for her work to reach a larger audience.... Continue Reading →


A MUCH better reading week for me! After struggling last week, I was worried I was heading into a reading slump, but things turned around in a big way. The audio for one of Elsie Silver's early books released this week, so I dove right in - and it was well worth the wait to... Continue Reading →


It's a two-week wrap-up, and they're all either hits or misses! Sort of a weird week, since I shared my April Wrap-Up last week and then didn't have a particularly successful time reading this week. So it's a mix of 5-star reads and books I DNFed. The only book that held my interest this week... Continue Reading →


I was overwhelmed with the stellar selection of new romance books this month, and lucky enough to have many of my most anticipated books as ARCs. The combination made for a particularly great reading month, with an unprecedented number of 5-star reads for me. There were some disappointments as well, but I'd have to call... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: April 26th

A solid reading week, for sure! I was still feeling a little under the weather this week, so I continued to gravitate towards rom coms. Staci Hart's new opposites attract romance was entertaining and filled with spice, which made for a fun read. I also liked Katie Bailey's newest, which was a super slow burn/closed... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: April 19th

Sort of a weird week, but that's okay! I've been under the weather, so I saved my most anticipated reads for a week when I'm feeling better. That means I sought out comforting, lighthearted rom coms - with mixed results. I really enjoyed Pippa Grant's newest, which hit the mark for uncomplicated, easygoing rom com... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: April 12th

Sort of a weird wrap-up, but a great one! I posted sneak peek reviews a few weeks ago for two excellent books that released this week. Wild Love was an incredibly strong series starter from Elsie Silver, and I'm still thinking about all of that sexual tension! How to End a Love Story is a... Continue Reading →


Last week was the monthly wrap-up, so we've got two weeks' worth of books in this edition - and what a great two weeks! Spring is starting off strong with several crazy good release weeks in a row, and this is a shining example. I was lucky enough to have ARCs for several of the... Continue Reading →


Honestly? Not a great release month, but a fantastic reading month! I struggled whenever I tried to get into this month's newest books, so I ended tackling my ARC pile with significantly more success. Granted, some of my most anticipated reads of the year were sitting on my kindle as ARCs, so it's really no... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: March 22nd

It was a pretty good week! I read a little bit of everything, and I ended up with two 5-star reads. Sounds good to me! While I was trying to get out of a book hangover, I stumbled upon Dust Storm, by new-to-me author Maggie Gates. It was so easy to binge, and the fish... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: March 15th

Not a bad week, but definitely a disappointing one overall. The best part of the week was definitely Yulin Kuang's angsty debut, How to End a Love Story. I requested the ARC based on the premise, so I was shocked to discover that Kuang is actually the screenwriter of Emily Henry's upcoming movies. I can... Continue Reading →


Back on track! Since I've been struggling so much with new releases lately, I decided to avoid them almost entirely this week - and that seemed to work out for me. I had a very solid reading week. The final book in Lauren Asher's Dirty Air series recently released in audio (and then disappeared), so... Continue Reading →


Such a tough month! It is every year, I don't know why I expected this one to be any different, lol. But I had more success whenever I avoided the new releases and read my ARCs or last year's releases instead. It doesn't look too bad when I list it like this, but many of... Continue Reading →


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one of these, so I thought I’d talk about some of the books that DIDN’T work for me, for one reason or another. That’s almost as good as reviewing them, lol, and I think it’s important to talk about. There’s no shame in setting aside books that aren’t working for you... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: February 24th

A little behind schedule, oops! It's been a busy week. I also didn't have a whole lot of luck with my reading, particularly when I was trying to dig into some newer releases. None of them were holding my attention. January to March are traditionally months where the new releases are underwhelming, but there have... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: February 16th

Tessa Bailey stole the show this week, and I'm not mad about it! I read my ARC of Fangirl Down over the holidays, and it's easily one of the best books I've read so far this year. I loved it! So I was excited when release week finally rolled around... especially when the ARC of... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: February 9th

It's a two-week wrap-up... and technically I didn't read any of these this week, lol! I've actually had a terrible reading week with a lot of disappointing books, but I had such a great streak in late January that I had plenty of reviews that I still needed to share. And since I posted my... Continue Reading →


Honestly, a pretty solid month! Lots of successful exploration and a variety of ARCs that worked out better than expected... along with several books that just didn't hit the mark. If you missed my February Release Calendar, you can find it here! If you missed any of this month’s reviews, I’ve got the blurb and... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: January 26th

It was all or nothing this week, and I am very okay with that! I had three 5-star reads and several DNFs, which is unsurprising because of the days-long book hangover I found myself in. Easily my favorite of the week, I shared my sneak peek review of Truly, Madly, Deeply (which doesn't release until... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: January 19th

While waiting for the explosion of new releases that began yesterday, I had a fun time trying out some new-to-me authors, and the results were good! Toxic Love had such an intriguing blurb that I couldn't resist checking it out, and it only took a few pages before I was completely engrossed. It's SUPER spicy... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: January 12th

Technically, it's more like a three-week wrap-up, but who's counting? This is our first full week post-holidays, so it's the first wrap-up in awhile. I really thought I'd take a little reading break over the holidays, but I had so much down time that I read more than I have in months. I loved Hans,... Continue Reading →

2023 WRAP-UP: A Year in Review

My recommendations and best reviews from 2023, all in one place! What a year! Probably my most frustrating one with the blog, but also a fulfilling one in so many ways. Let's start with the downside From Amazon eliminating clickable photo links and forcing me to revisit how I create a lot of my posts... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: December 8th

I had a fantastic reading week! Though I didn't finish a lot of books, I did have a lot of success. I checked out Lana Ferguson's new fake dating, shifter romance, which was such a breath of fresh air. I loved that it took a familiar trope and put a whole new spin on it,... Continue Reading →


Maybe not my best reading month, but a productive one for sure. I've been working hard to clean up my 2023 TBR, so there was a lot of sampling, DNFing, and general browsing done. I actually feel like my TBR is in great shape now, and I'm looking forward to digging into some of my... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: December 1st

A little of everything! I've been sampling (and setting aside) a LOT of books in preparation for my Best of the Year list, but I did have some more successful reads. I loved the banter and sexual tension within Christmas in Coconut Creek, which caught my attention right away. It was a spicy read with... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: November 17th

I've had better reading weeks, but I've also had worse reading weeks! The only win this week was Reckless, which ended up being pretty fantastic. I'd put off reading it because I was concerned about the tropes (second chance and secret baby), but it was a lot more successful than I expected. It was emotional... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: November 10th

I read a little of everything this week, and it was (mostly) good! I finally gave up on waiting for the audiobook for Unravel Me, and the story was well worth the wait! It was soft and swoony, with the gentlest and most adorable love story. I loved it! I enjoyed Tapped, which ended up... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: November 3rd

I had a pretty good reading week! I listened to Hopeless, which was a fitting conclusion to a very good series. It was almost too sex-focused for me, but I loved the chemistry between the couple and the emotional feel. I also enjoyed Tessa Bailey's new novella, which was a fast and spicy read. It... Continue Reading →


It was a frustrating reading month for me, with lots of disappointments and some fantastic stories that brought on lingering book hangovers. I had some great days, but also a lot of less than stellar ones. In the end, I'm happy with the results. While I DNFed more than I successfully read, I found some... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: October 27th

I had three 5-star reads last week, so it's no surprise that I've been in a MAJOR book hangover all week. I can't even tell you how many books I've set aside in frustration. I guess the good news is that I'm making progress on my 2023 TBR, lol. So there's that! I also had... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: October 20th

I couldn't stop handing out 5-star ratings this week, and I'm not complaining! After a series of disappointing reads last week, I was starting to worry that October was going to be a wash for me, but things definitely took a turn over the last several days. I started listening to Caught Up last week,... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: October 13th

I didn't have the best reading week, but it certainly wasn't the worst either! I'm currently savoring the newest from Liz Tomforde a little bit at a time, and I'm in no rush to finish - here's hoping it sticks the landing. I also enjoyed Pippa Grant's new rom com, which was an easygoing, small... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: October 7th

I've been down with a killer migraine for a few days, so the beginning of my reading week was a lot more successful than the end! The good news (I guess, lol) is that I had a bunch of ARCs for this week, so I still managed to check out several of the new releases... Continue Reading →


I'm pretty happy with the way September went! Most of my anticipated reads ended up being great, I tried a few solid new-to-me authors, and I made some progress on my stack of ARCs. Can't complain about any of that! Earlier this year, it felt like every time I got excited for a book, it... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: September 29th

I actually did a ton of reading this week, it just wasn't all successful! The only book I loved was Dom, which was 500 pages of unhinged delight. I tried S.J. Tilly's writing for the first time this summer, and this series has delivered so many great reads for me that I'm going to have... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: September 22nd

It was quality over quantity this week, and that's cool with me! I read two 5-star reads this week, and they had very different vibes. Some Kind of Blunderful releases on Monday, and it was another fantastic read from Livy Hart. I loved the playful banter and electric chemistry, which made for a tension-filled, strangers... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: September 8th

It's a two-week wrap-up! Some days I think I read a lot less than I used to, and other days I realize that the books are just longer. This week, I read two 600-page books, which is the equivalent of 3 to 4 books from 2020, honestly. I like the longer length sometimes because it... Continue Reading →


I'm not ready for summer to end, but I also kinda am! The summer months are always busy for my personal life and my husband is underfoot more than usual, so that cuts into my reading time significantly. That’s definitely reflected in my August reading, which was dominated by audiobooks and quick rom coms -... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: August 25th

I'm happy to report that I had a great reading week! And the books I read could not be more different, lol. I was finally in the right headspace for You, With a View, a fantastic, angsty debut. The childhood frenemies vibes and sexual tension were a definite win. It's an emotional story, and a... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: August 19th

It's a two-week wrap-up, and a pretty good two weeks overall! I didn't read a whole lot last week, so I skipped the wrap-up, but I read plenty this week. I had several successful reads and a couple I DNFed just to keep myself from falling back into a slump - nothing too bad in... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: August 4th

It's a two-week wrap-up! I wrapped up the month last week, so I've got two weeks of reading to talk about here - and I feel like I'm finally back on track a bit! Mostly because I have a little of every rating here, lol, and I finished most of the books I started. My... Continue Reading →


I really struggled in July, simple as that. My TBR was overflowing with books that I couldn't wait to get my hands on, and yet I lost interest in almost everything I started reading. Part of that is because I was busy and life kept getting in the way, but part of that was also... Continue Reading →


It's been either hit or miss for me lately, and I guess I'm okay with that. In between doing a lot of DNFing this week (a lot!), I found two great 5-star reads. I've been looking forward to the newest from Rachel Lynn Solomon, and Business or Pleasure definitely didn't disappoint. It was sexy from... Continue Reading →


It's a two-week wrap-up! The blog was in vacation mode for the Fourth of July, so I'm wrapping up the reviews I posted over the last two weeks. And there were some great books in this mix! My favorite of the group is Out on a Limb, an accidental pregnancy romance between strangers who become... Continue Reading →


It was a very busy release month, but it was also a very busy month for me personally, so the two did not mix well! I prefer to save my most anticipated reads for days I can give them the attention they deserve, and I didn't have many of those this month - so I've... Continue Reading →


A wrap-up on a Monday? Yes! The holiday week is traditionally a quieter one on the blog, because everyone seems to have too much going on to get much reading done. Between graduation, the Fourth of July, and the start of the summer, I get it! So I take this week to recharge my (mental)... Continue Reading →


lol, I almost forgot to put this up, because technically I didn't finish any books this week - but I reviewed several! I had an ARC for Love, Theoretically, which I read a few months ago. And I adored it! I think it's my new favorite from Ali Hazelwood, and listening to the audiobook recently... Continue Reading →


All in all, it was a pretty great reading week for me! With two 5-star reads and one strong 4-star, I was having a good time. My favorites were String Me Along and Fake Empire, which both had stellar sexual tension but couldn't have been more different otherwise. After loving Meet Me Halfway last year,... Continue Reading →


Was it a super successful reading week? Not really, but it's better than it looks! My only positive review this week was for the fabulous Whisky Business (which I loved!), but I did get ahead on a few ARCs, and that went well. So it wasn't all bad. First, let's talk about Whisky Business. That... Continue Reading →


I had a great May! Not only were there a ton of new releases, but many of them were excellent. I had so many 5-star reads, and several other solid 4-star experiences. I was also a little short on time this month, so I was quick to set aside anything that wasn't working for me.... Continue Reading →


I didn't think I'd have much time to read this week, but I ended up doing a lot of audiobook listening - with mixed results! Firstly, Livy Hart's newest released this week, which is easily one of my favorites of the year so far. I read it a few months ago, and I was excited... Continue Reading →


I had a very solid reading week, with three 4-star reads and one strong 5-star romance. My favorite (by far) was Your Last First Kiss, which caught me completely by surprise. It's my first time reading anything by Maxwell, and the absolutely swoonworthy hero stole the show. He put in the work to prove himself... Continue Reading →


Technically, it's a two-week wrap-up - and it was a great two weeks! I posted my April wrap-up last week, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the two 5-star romances I reviewed last week. Both Unexpectedly Mine and Happy Place made my Best of April list, and they couldn't be more different! Happy... Continue Reading →


Rom coms for the win! It was a crazy busy release month, but I also had a crazy busy work schedule, and the two do not mix, lol. At the end of a busy day, all I wanted to do was curl up with a lighthearted, funny book - and that's what I did. I... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: April 21st

I had a pretty great reading week, with rom coms stealing the show! It's been so busy at work that I haven't been in the mood for anything serious or heavy, so I've been gravitating towards lighthearted rom coms - and that seemed to work out for me. I loved Rook to King, an adventure... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY WRAP-UP: April 14th

I'm just getting over a nasty cold, so I didn't get as much reading accomplished as I would've liked (since it was such a FANTASTIC release week!), but I still read a couple of great books. My favorite of the week is The Plus One, an emotional and heartfelt brother's best friend romance. It was... Continue Reading →

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