⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ REVIEW: First Love, Take Two by Sajni Patel

I’m a VERY picky lady when it comes to second chance romances, so when one holds my attention throughout – it’s a win! The obvious love and connection between these former lovers kept me hooked, and the deeper undertones of the story made it a richer experience. This has the same kind of vibe as The Trouble With Hating You, but I liked this heroine a LOT more than the previous one. I also ADORED the mysterious, sweetheart of a hero, and I kinda loved trying to read between the lines to figure him out (we only get the heroine’s perspective). Was every part of this successful? No. I’ve definitely got a few minor complaints. But it’s such a unique, intricate story that I got a little grumpy every time my reading was interrupted. And that’s a sure sign that I was loving a book.

The story follows Preeti, a doctor just finishing up her residency. On the surface, it seems like she’s got a great life – her career is on track, she’s dating a handsome man that her discerning Indian family approves of, and an engagement is on the horizon. But there’s something off about all of it. Anxiety is starting to eat Preeti up from the inside, and her touch aversion around her boyfriend has not lessened up, even after months of dating. So when Preeti’s ex comes storming back into her life – as her temporary roommate, no less – it’s a shock to the system. One minute in Daniel’s presence, and Preeti remembers why he’s the love of her life. The two can’t stand to be in the same room together – because Preeti knows exactly why she ended things between them, and Daniel struggles to understand how their seemingly perfect love story could’ve fallen apart.

I loved the delicious TENSION in this: Daniel can’t understand why Preeti would be willing to marry an obviously incompatible man, yet kicked him to the curb at the peak of their love. There is so much love simmering beneath the surface, it was easy to see in every interaction, despite the conflict between these two. This is definitely an emotional, angsty story, with a strong focus on culture, family, and mental health. It’s got great depth, and I was rooting for Preeti and Daniel the whole time. So what didn’t I love? Well, first of all, Preeti does kinda cheat on her boyfriend, at least emotionally – and her friends were encouraging it. You’d better believe that some of her actions were not acceptable. I can forgive that because they had zero emotional connection, but she’s definitely in the wrong. Also, there is some OW/OM drama just to stir up trouble between Preeti and Daniel, which was necessary conflict for the story but not my favorite. This has such a diverse cast of characters (Preeti is Indian American and Daniel is Black), and I loved seeing the parallels between the two communities. This slow-burning, closed door romance will probably work best for those who like women’s fiction/romance crossovers, because it’s a little bit of both – with the romance central throughout. I’m absolutely looking forward to more from this series! I received an early copy and am voluntarily leaving a review of this second chance romance.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3tS7skr


On the verge of realizing her dream of being a doctor, Preeti Patel should be ecstatic. But between the stress of her residency, trying to find a job, and managing her traditional, no-boundaries family, Preeti’s anxiety is through the roof. Relationships and love aren’t even an option. Fortunately, Preeti’s finally found a new place to stay . . . only to discover that her new roommate is her ex.

Preeti never quite got over Daniel Thompson. Super-hot, plenty of swagger, amazing cook—the guy is practically perfect. And if it weren’t for their families, there might have been a happily ever after. But it’s hard to keep her sanity and libido in check when the man of her dreams is sleeping mere feet away. Can Preeti and Daniel find a way to stand up and fight for each other one last time . . . before they lose their second chance?

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3tS7skr

Start the series today!

This series is only loosely tied together, so you’ll have no trouble reading either as standalones – but they do have similar vibes! The Trouble With Hating You was a 3.5-star read for me because that heroine was a little more difficult to like, but it’s still a solid read. I like the focus on family and culture in both books, and they both have a decidedly women’s fiction/romance crossover feel.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3nK3MgO

About the Author:

Sajni Patel was born in vibrant India and raised in the heart of Texas, surrounded by a lot of delicious food and plenty of diversity. She draws on her personal experiences, cultural expectations, and Southern flair to create worlds that center on strong Indian women. Once an MMA fighter, she’s now all about puppies and rainbows and tortured love stories. She currently lives in Austin where she not-so-secretly watches Matthew McConaughey from afar during UT football games. Queso is her weakness and thanks to her family’s cooking, Indian/Tex-Mex cuisine is a real thing. She’s a die-hard Marvel Comics fan, a lover of chocolates from around the world, and is always wrapped up in a story.

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