⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver 🎧

When I’m already cackling before I’ve made it past the CW and dedication, I know I’m in for a good time. This was an unexpected delight, mixing humor, gore, and spice for an extremely bingeable read. It took no time at all to hook me in, and I ended up devouring it in one sitting. I loved that the (anti)hero was a cinnamon roll sweetheart/boy obsessed who was also intense and very, very dangerous. I loved that the (anti)heroine was all fire and competence, taking her dark past and turning it into something that worked for her. They saw pieces of themselves reflected in each other, and bonded in a way they wouldn’t with anyone else. There’s a ton of dark, gruesome content, but there’s also an incredibly playful feel and tons of lighthearted banter. The banter! Yeah, the chemistry was immediate and palpable. This deliciously dark romance won’t be for everyone, but it’s certainly a one-of-a-kind, entertaining experience.

The story follows Sloane, a serial killer who goes after bad guys. Her life experiences have lead her to this place, and it works for her. After running into some trouble on her latest mission, Sloane encounters Rowan. He’s also a killer with a similar mindset, and the two find themselves developing an unexpected friendship. Though they’re both attracted right away, neither wants to make any missteps – the results could be deadly. So they form a friendship and competitive dynamic, staying connected over the course of several years. Until something shifts.

I’ve seen this book all over the place and I enjoy a dark rom com once in awhile, so I went into this knowing very little about the story. I recommend doing just that. At its heart, this is a great slow burn to SIZZLE, friends to lovers romance with plenty of darker elements. You’ll know within a few pages if the story is too dark for you, and you’ll also get a feel for Weaver’s sense of humor. I loved it! Not sure what that says about me, lol, but this was quite the ride. I loved that it played up some of the traditional romance tropes (particularly the “he falls first” vibes), while also being wholly unique. It works because of the romance at the center of it, and the fact that both characters are just so easy to like. Rowan was adorable with his pining for Sloane, and it was easy to see all the ways they were perfect together. If I’ve got one complaint (is it a complaint, really?), it’d be that I actually wouldn’t have minded a longer length. There are a lot of quick time jumps, and I’d have loved seeing more of their connection during those times. It was such a fast and fun read though, and the bingeable quality is a major part of the appeal. I can’t wait for the next two installments, which revolve around Rowan’s brothers. This was a fantastic introduction to this new-to-me author’s work!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QE2nch

Audio Note:

Duet narration alert! I actually didn’t realize it was duet-style when I started listening, so imagine my glee when that kicked in. The narration brought the story to life, and was absolutely an enhancement to the reading experience. Lucy Rivers always does a great job, and she is quickly becoming one of my favorites. But Joe Arden steals the show here – he does an Irish accent for Rowan that gives the character so much personality. He also delivers several outstanding moments of internal spiraling from Rowan that really impressed me. The runtime (about 9 hours) was perfect for bingeing in a single day, which is exactly what I did. I can’t recommend this one for the office – not only are there many dark moments, but the spice is pretty intense. It’s a slower burn that turns into a full-on sizzle, so the back half is filled with heated scenes. Definitely recommended in the format though!

Audiobook: https://amzn.to/48TBoRn


A friends-to-lovers dark romantic comedy full of murder, chaos, and spice, unlike anything you’ve read before.

Every serial killer needs a friend.
Every game must have a winner.

When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely bond between rival murderers Sloane and Rowan, the two find something elusive—the friendship of a like-minded, pitch-black soul. From small town West Virginia to upscale California, from downtown Boston to rural Texas, the two hunters collide in an annual game of blood and suffering, one that pits them against the most dangerous monsters in the country.

But as their friendship develops into something more, the restless ghosts left in their wake are only a few steps behind, ready to claim more than just their newfound love.

Can Rowan and Sloane dig themselves out of a game of graves?

Or have they finally met their match?

Butcher & Blackbird is the first book in the Ruinous Love Dark Romance trilogy of interconnected stand-alone dark romantic comedies. This dual POV novel ends on a HEA.

***Butcher & Blackbird is a DARK ROMANCE intended for an adult audience – please see Brynne’s website for a comprehensive list of CWs***

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QE2nch

About the Author:

Brynne is a fan of velociraptors, the Alien movies (well, most of them), red wine, and wild adventures. She can relate nearly anything you say to a line from the movie Hot Fuzz. She has been trying unsuccessfully for years to convince her husband that they should acquire a pet mink to add to their menagerie of animals (what could possibly go wrong with that plan?!). Brynne has been everything from an archaeologist to a waitress, a deep-sea core analyst to an advertising account executive. For the last several years, she has been working in the field of neuroscience clinical research. Brynne has been writing since childhood. When not busy at her day job or working on her next book, Brynne can be found with her husband and son on their family farm in NS, Canada, or enjoying her other passions which include riding horses, reading, motorcycling, and spending time with family and friends around a raclette and a bottle of wine.

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