MINI REVIEW: Ick Factor by Morgan Elizabeth

It’s a mini review! I’m clearing out my review queue of all the books I can’t seem to convince myself to finish, for one reason or another. That doesn’t mean these are negative reviews, it simply means that something isn’t compelling me to keep reading at the moment. Maybe I’ll go back to them another day, maybe I won’t!

DNF Details:

How far did I get? 130-something pages, almost 40% of the way through.

Why did I stop? I forgot I was reading it. I was actually enjoying it (to an extent) when I was reading, but I set it down and totally forgot about its existence. Whoops, lol. It’s been a couple of weeks now, and I really don’t remember a whole lot about the story. I also noticed that I didn’t pull any quotes while I was reading, which generally means there wasn’t anything remarkable going on. So I think it’s just a case of it being “fine, nothing special.”

Was I enjoying it initially? Yes, I do remember liking it at the time. Elizabeth has a fun, light and spicy style, and the storyline is a play on a boss/employee, fake relationship romance. Classic tropes, and ones that I typically love. There was definitely nothing that majorly bugged me, so that’s a good thing. Had I remembered to pick it back up the next day, maybe we’d be having a different conversation.

Would I finish this? I would, yeah. I didn’t mean to DNF in the first place, but it definitely wouldn’t get 5 stars from me.

Who would I recommend this to? Fans of fake relationships between boss and employee. Anyone who likes playful, spicy rom coms.



Kat has never been on more than seven dates with a man before catching the dreaded ick. That’s all it takes to realize he’s not the one for her. It’s usually something small—the way he puts ice in his cup, drinks his coffee, or his preferred name in the bedroom, but it’s enough to make her realize she could never spend an eternity with him.

Theodore is ready to take over the company his father left for him. He’s spent his entire life working towards the moment when he becomes president, every waking moment dedicated to that goal. Unfortunately, his family man boss isn’t too keen on his strictly single ways and worries if he gets this job, he’ll never start a family. That’s when he lies and tells his boss he has a fiance.

Now, he not only has to prove he deserves the job, despite his rival doing everything he can to sabotage him, but he has to find himself a fiance—and fast.

It’s good that his sunshine assistant has an open schedule and can promise a no-strings deal. Seven dates to impress his boss and take down his rival with zero risk that she’ll fall for him.

But what if this is the one time the ick factor fails her?


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