⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: Untying the Knot by Meghan Quinn 🎧

Devastatingly brutal yet poignant and hopeful, this marriage in trouble romance put me through my paces emotionally – and I loved it! Switching between past and present, we see the highs and lows in this couple’s relationship, with the chemistry and connection in their early days punctuating the loss of a love that was once vibrant and full of life. Initially, I wondered if there were too many flashbacks, but they served such an impactful purpose – showcasing just how many important promises our hero lost sight of, and revealing the ways in which he unintentionally inflicted (nearly) irreparable damage to their relationship. He’s steadfast and loyal, the perfect counterpart to a heroine whose past hurts have caused her to run scared more than once. It was easy to see all of the ways they were great together, which just made the present day conflict even more excruciating. I empathized with both characters, and I was absolutely rooting for them to find their way back together again. It’s a powerhouse of a read, juxtaposing playful, banter-filled moments with achingly raw and tender scenes. Plus, whoa boy was the spice INTENSE – this couple knows each other well, so that knowledge and trust takes things to a whole other level.

The story follows Myla, a woman who thought she had found her forever love. While her abusive mother made it difficult to accept love into her life, she found that with Ryot. But when the former pro baseball player retired, he lost sight of the promises they made together. His neglect has inflicted damage to their marriage, and Myla believes that it has reached its breaking point. Ryot disagrees. He was blindsided when Myla asked for a divorce, and he’s willing to put in the work to make things right again… if only he knew what he did wrong. Weaving flashbacks with present day, we see how this swoony and smitten man won his dream girl… and how he lost her along the way.

I’ve read some exceptional books by Quinn, and this will be among my favorites. It truly does have a little of everything, from the initial sparks and chemistry to the heartache and angst. I think this story only could’ve worked laid out this way – I know that I would’ve had some issues with the way Myla and Ryot’s relationship progressed in the past, and Myla is also the kind of heroine whose insecurities threaten to overwhelm any story. With the story switching between past and present, we didn’t have to linger in that headspace for too long at any one time. And those flashbacks served such a great purpose, showing how Ryot’s distraction with work is one of the worst things he could’ve done, given their history. I’m also impressed that I genuinely liked both characters throughout the whole story – Myla is a spitfire, and Ryot is kind, patient, and loving. That’s why it hurt so much when they were hurting each other, and this is one of the only books to made me cry this year. There’s also more potentially triggering content than anticipated (no cheating or OW/OM drama), including a central (non-couple) character who is battling cancer. The whole book is designed for maximum devastation, slowly building back into something that is hopeful and richer because of the struggle. A fantastic read.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3U18Tcy

Audio Note:

The audio is phenomenal! If you’re someone who enjoys audiobooks or has been contemplating trying one, then this is the perfect choice. It’s told in duet-style, so it feels completely immersive and all the more engaging. The editing was also the most seamless I’ve experienced in duet. I love both Jason Clarke (my favorite!) and Stella Hunter, and they both give incredible, emotive performances. They also both handle the playfulness as well as the angst, which is even more impressive. It’s not a short book, clocking in at about 14 hours on audio, so I had to read this over 2-3 days to finish. And I didn’t want to stop anytime I set it down. I’m not sure that I’d recommend this as a workday listen, unless you enjoy crying at your desk and blushing at some VERY intense spice, lol. But I highly recommend the audio, and it was well worth the time.

Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3tEu0pm


A spin-off from the #1 Amazon bestsellers, A Not So Meet Cute and So Not Meant To Be, USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn brings you a heart-warming, yet hilarious full-length novel on what life is like after the happily ever after.

Ryot Bisley is my husband.

Yes, the former third baseman for the Chicago Bobbies and absolute heart throb of the Windy City. That Ryot Bisley.

The first time I ran into him, he was grumpy, a horrific host, and left me on his sofa with nothing but a nylon baseball flag to use as a blanket.

The second time, he reluctantly bought me dinner, stared at my chest the entire night, and still sported that permanent frown.

The third time . . . well, that was a game changer. His smile captured me, his teasing charmed me, and his touches excited me.

So when he was called up to the majors that didn’t stop us from knocking it out of the park and all the way down the aisle.

Eleven years later…I’d love to say we’re happy as ever but the man who sent me dirty text messages every day is long gone and Mr. Frowny Face is back.

He’s so focused on trying to build a life after baseball that he doesn’t see the life we’ve already created together. . .so I make the hard decision and serve him divorce papers.

Problem is…my husband refuses to accept those papers. Instead, he has a new game plan that makes untying the knot of our marriage a little tricky. And just when I thought I wanted to be traded . . . he’s slowly, tantalizingly roping me back in.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3U18Tcy

Want more Ryot?

Technically, this book is a spinoff of A Not So Meet Cute (details below) and that series, BUT it’s also a spinoff of Quinn’s popular baseball series as well. I fell for Ryot in one of my other favorites from Quinn, The Perfect Catch. This book will easily stand on its own, but checking out books from either series will add a little something special.


“Kiss me. Just this once . . . please Walker.”

Those whispered words were my undoing . . .

As the most hated player in baseball, I had two options: either clean up my image or pack my bags. Being traded wasn’t an option which only meant one thing, I had to become compliant.

That’s how I found myself sharing a small bistro table with Kate Chapman, the Chicago Bobbies newest PR Manager. Devastatingly beautiful, vastly intelligent, and incredibly cunning, she knows exactly how to handle my grumpy demeanor. 

It was supposed to be simple. Book some PR events, show up, smile for the camera, and be done. But one massive mistake on my end sends me into the trenches with Kate, forcing me to open up to her. 

Innocent glances turn into cordial encounters.
Secret touches turn into tempting invitations. 
And dangerous nights alone turn into consuming desperation.

I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want her. And I know she wants me, but there’s a no fraternizing with the players rule. Neither of us can afford to lose our jobs, but we also can’t seem to keep our hands off each other either.

Read the review here

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3hENiWN

Start the series today!

Did you know that this series has illustrated hardcover versions available? And they’re pretty damn sexy! I loved the first book in the series, A Not So Meet Cute. You can check out my original book review here, look at the blurb below, or order your copy of the hardcover on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/3PC1ONx.

From USA Today bestselling author of The Highland Fling comes a brand new romantic comedy about a desperate billionaire seeking to find a fiancée. This modern day take on Pretty Woman is brilliantly clever and hilariously page-turning. 

How did you two meet?

The quintessential question asked to every couple. And the answer is usually some bubbly, lovey dovey tale of being struck in the bum by Cupid’s arrow. 

My meet cute (well not so meet cute) is slightly different. I was trolling a wealthy neighborhood in Beverly Hills, searching for someone to take me as their bride, you know, to make my arch nemesis jealous who consequently just fired me. 

He was stomping around the block like some sort of gorgeous ogre, mumbling about a business deal gone wrong and attempting to finagle his way out of it. 

And that’s when we bumped into each other. 
There were no sparks. 
Not even a hint of blossoming love. 

But next thing I knew, I was scarfing down free chips and guac, listening to this man lay out all of his problems which led to his big ask . . . he wanted me to be his Vivian Ward, you know, from Pretty Woman–minus the frisky behavior. 

We’re talking about living in a mansion, intimate double dates, and pretending we were head over heels in love . . . and engaged. Can you imagine?

The absolute audacity.

But people do crazy things when they’re desperate. And I reeked of desperation. So, I struck up a deal.

My one big mistake, though . . . big . . . HUGE? I accidentally fell for the incomparable Huxley Cane.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3pydUN4

Illustrated Hardcover: https://amzn.to/3PC1ONx

About the Author:

USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Connect w/Meghan:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7360513.Meghan_Quinn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn
Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/meghan-quinn
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LitE4x

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9 thoughts on “⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: Untying the Knot by Meghan Quinn 🎧

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    1. I’m glad we didn’t linger in the flashbacks for too long at one time, I definitely would’ve had some issues there. But I think she did a great job showing why the characters acted the way they did, so I was willing to be patient with the heroine when she would’ve otherwise driven me crazy! Hope it goes smoother for you on the second try.


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