SNEAK PEEK REVIEW: The Fiancé Dilemma by Elena Armas

I love a new spin on an old trope, and this one was so much fun. Our heroine never could’ve predicted that the near-stranger who saved her from an awkward situation – by faking an engagement – would end up being the one. That means they’re quickly falling for each other as a very real wedding day approaches, and that is terrifying to a woman who has been a runway bride (on more than one occasion!) in the past. It kept both the reader and the couple on their toes, ratcheting up the tension in such an interesting way. What I loved the most was the hero though – he was rock steady throughout it all, acting as such an amazing support system to our skittish heroine. I wouldn’t quite call it a black cat/golden retriever romance (our heroine is too sweet), but it’s definitely close. The hero is an absolute sweetheart who knows exactly what his girl needs, and that made this such an entertaining, unpredictable read – I loved it!

The story follows Josie, a woman who is known as a runaway bride. She’s called off multiple engagements in the past, and that’s left her with a bit of a reputation. So when her estranged father’s PR person accidentally catches her wearing an old engagement ring (it was a lonely moment of longing), Josie has to think fast. And when she sees her sister’s best guy friend – a man she’s only met via text – Josie claims him as the groom. Josie never meant for it to lead to more, but suddenly her dad’s PR person is planning a very real wedding in just a few weeks. Not wanting to tarnish her reputation further, Josie and Matthew play along with the wedding planning, even though they know they’ll never make it to the altar. But they make a better team than Josie could’ve anticipated, and soon she’s developing feelings for the man she’s set to leave in a few short weeks.

I’ve enjoyed all of Armas’ books, but this is the first of the newer ones that’s given me The Spanish Love Deception vibes in such a big way – and that’s a major compliment. I kinda loved that we only got Josie’s perspective, and were forced to puzzle out how Matthew was feeling for ourselves. He is such a great guy, this incorrigible flirt who seems to genuinely enjoy his time with Josie. Never has a blonde man with glasses worked so well for me, lol, and he was definitely one of the best parts of the book. I enjoyed the first third quite a bit, but once the sexual tension kicked in, this was elevated to a whole other level. Josie and Matthew had TONS of chemistry, which presented itself in some seriously delicious ways. That man is not a golden retriever in the bedroom, even if he is eager to please. Ahem. Anyways, I really loved the direction this took in the back half, and it truly grabbed my attention once it hit its stride. The slow burn to SIZZLE worked so well, and I loved that I really wasn’t sure how things would work out. I’m very pleased to report that it’s one of my new favorites from the author, and such a fantastic read.

Releases in July – preorder today!



A fake engagement, second chances, and newfound family members come together in this new romance from the New York Times bestselling author of the “swoon-worthy” (Business Insider) The Spanish Love Deception.

Josie Moore has given the opposite sex—and love—plenty of chances. Four exactly, if you count all her failed engagements, and five if you include her no-longer-absentee father. Nonetheless, when the influential man decides to announce his retirement with a splashy magazine piece and Josie learns that her romantic history isn’t great PR for the family, she jumps at the chance to offer a solution.

Matthew Flanagan is in the mud. Literally. Not only has he been fired from his job, but after taking a wrong turn on his way to Green Oak, North Carolina, his car is stuck. So, he grabs a duffel bag with his essentials and goes in search of a place to crash until he gets his life (and vehicle) back on track. But instead, he stumbles upon his best friend’s sister, Josie, greeting him as her fiancé.

What starts as a big misunderstanding quickly turns into a fake engagement, with Matthew playing the role of the doting fiancé as he and Josie are swept into a PR whirlwind. The ring on Josie’s finger makes her stomach turn, but she knows this is only temporary. They have rules in place, and one of them is that no matter what, there will be no exchange of “I dos.” But that’s easier said than done, as lines soon start to blur, and the rest of the small town comes to believe the fifth fiancé is truly The One.

Releases in July – preorder today!


Start the series while you wait!

Definitely not required reading, but it introduces the small town and the characters. Matthew is the heroine’s best friend and we learn more about Josie’s backstory. So well worth your time!


A disgraced soccer exec reluctantly enlists the help of a retired soccer star in coaching a children’s team in this small-town love story in the vein of Ted Lasso and It Happened One Summer —from the New York Times bestselling author of The Spanish Love Deception.

Adalyn Reyes has spent years perfecting her daily routine: wake up at dawn, drive to the Miami Flames FC offices, try her hardest to leave a mark, go home, and repeat.

But her routine is disrupted when a video of her in an altercation with the team’s mascot goes viral. Rather than fire her, the team’s owner—who happens to be her father—sends Adalyn to middle-of-nowhere North Carolina, where she’s tasked with turning around the struggling local soccer team, the Green Warriors, as a way to redeem herself. Her plans crumble upon discovering that the players wear tutus to practice (impractical), keep pet goats (messy), and are terrified of Adalyn (counterproductive), and are nine-year-old kids.

To make things worse, also in town is Cameron Caldani, goalkeeping prodigy whose presence is somewhat of a mystery. Cam is the perfect candidate to help Adalyn, but after one very unfortunate first encounter involving a rooster, Cam’s leg, and Adalyn’s bumper, he’s also set on running her out of town. But banishment is not an option for Adalyn. Not again. Helping this ragtag children’s team is her road to redemption, and she is playing the long game. With or without Cam’s help.

Read the audiobook review here


About the Author:

Elena Armas is a Spanish writer, self-confessed hopeless romantic, and proud book hoarder. Now, she’s also the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Spanish Love Deception, The American Roommate Experiment, and The Long Game. Her books are being translated to over thirty languages—which is bananas, if you ask her.


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