3-STAR REVIEW: Sleet Princess by S.J. Tilly

I’m starting to think that I only like Tilly’s mafia romance, which would be an extremely disappointing development since I love those books SO much. This series is all bubblegum and cotton candy, way too fluffy and lusty for me. And furry? If you know, you know, lol. As a whole, the improvement in Tilly’s writing from the first book in the series (her debut many books ago) to this one (her newest) is very obvious, and for that I am happy. It felt like a Tilly book, and that is absolutely a compliment – the playfulness and banter bled from the page, and it’s full of her signature spice. However, this one gets a lower rating from me than Sleet Kitten because I was quite simply disinterested in the love story. These two seem to ONLY have lust and banter between them, getting together VERY early on and keeping the tension to a minimum. In some ways that’s a positive, but it left me missing the extra oomph of friction and sexual tension. The stakes were low, and so was my attention span.

The story follows Natalie, a woman who meets a sexy hockey player and immediately hits it off with him. What starts as a fling soon begins to feel like more, and after weeks of texting they accidentally get married in Vegas. But neither one intended to get married so quickly, and that leaves them unsure of where things stand – especially since Natalie has been keeping a few secrets.

My description of the plot is a little lighter than usual, simply because the plot in this IS lighter than usual – I feel like if I say any more, I’ll give away the entire story. A whole lot of time is spent on banter and spice, with very little time spent developing the relationship in other ways. I feel like most of the non-spice scenes involved the friend group, which isn’t really what I’m looking for. I adore Tilly’s skill at writing banter and spice, but I do need to feel more depth from the couple. I still barely know Luke as a person, and I wasn’t particularly fond of Natalie’s personality. So there wasn’t anything compelling me to keep turning the pages, then the whole furry situation happened and I knew things were spiraling in a direction I didn’t like. I think I just have to call this one a miss for me, and look forward to what’s next. Here’s hoping we get more with those mafia vibes soon.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KmPWOp


My trip to Mexico for my cousin’s wedding was only supposed to be a few days of obligation and oceanside.

I wasn’t expecting Luke.

Wasn’t expecting the hot hockey player, with the smirks and the tattoos, who kept bumping into me.

And I certainly wasn’t expecting to spend a night on the beach, under the stars, underneath him.

It was magical, but I thought it would end there.

Instead, we exchanged numbers and stayed in touch.

So when Luke invited me to watch him play in Vegas, I went.

And it was great.

Until we woke up the next morning and found the wedding certificate in my pocket.

Turns out that dance party we snuck into was actually a group wedding ceremony.

And now we’re married.

Which is bad.

Because I think our wedding was actually our first date. And if my dad finds out, he’ll cut me out of the family business.

So when footage leaks of Luke and me hot and heavy in an elevator, I have to make up a new plan to save my reputation and career.

Now, all I need is for Luke Anders to act like he’s madly in love with me.

Should be easy.


Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KmPWOp

Start the series today!

Easy to read as standalones, but the friend group is fun. The author had several massively successful books after starting this series, so the first couple of books are actually her oldest work and the fourth book is her newest. Not my favorite from the author, though book one was pretty solid overall.


There are a few things that life doesn’t prepare you for. Like what to do when a super-hot guy catches you sneaking around in his basement. Or what to do when a mysterious package shows up with tickets to a hockey game because, apparently, he’s a professional athlete. Or how to handle it when you get to the game and realize he’s freaking famous since half of the 20,000 people in the stands are wearing his jersey.

I thought I was a well-adjusted adult, reasonably prepared for life. But one date with Jackson Wilder, a viral video, and a “I didn’t know she was your mom” incident, and I’m suddenly questioning everything I thought I knew.

But he’s fun. And great. And I think I might be falling for him.

But I don’t know if he’s falling for me, too, or if he’s as much of a player off the ice as on.

Read the audiobook review here

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3H8CVpS

About the Author:

Like all her books, S.J. Tilly resides in the glorious state of Minnesota, where she was born and raised. To avoid the freezing cold winters, S.J. enjoys burying her head in books, whether to read them or write them or listen to them. 

When she’s not busy writing her contemporary smut, she can be found lounging with her husband and their herd of rescue boxers. And when the weather permits she loves putting her compost to use in the garden, pretending to know what she’s doing. The neighbors may not like the flowery mayhem of her yard, but the bees sure do. And really, that’s more important.

To stay up to date on all things Tilly, make sure to follow her on her socials, join her newsletter, and interact whenever you feel like it! Links to everything on her website www.sjtilly.com

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